Act 3: Scene 9

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Jay hugged Jade.  "Guys come on" Evie said making attention turn to her. "This was so great! We were a team. We worked together. Come on" Evie went to grab Mal's hand but she shrugged her away.

"Come on" Evie tapped Uma who looked at her. "You know what we should try? An ice breaker" Evie said. Mal's eyes went wide, Carlos pinched the bridge of her nose, Jay crossed his arms and made a face and everyone was waiting on Jade's response.

"Evie what the f-" Carlos covered Jade's mouth. Evie looked towards the three. "You say something you really like about the other person. Okay I'll start"

Evie scanned the three. "Harry" Evie said. Harry sighed. "Great accent" Evie said. "Evie" Jade groaned. Uma gave Evie a look. "Is she always this perky?" Uma asked.

"It wasn't really your turn but thank you" Evie said. "Oh my god" Jade lightly banged her head against the wall. "Get away from the wall" Jay said softly pulling his girlfriend away.

"Okay Evie?" "Yeah" "Come here" Mal pulled her over. "I love you" Mal started. "I love you" Evie said happily touched.

"I love this energy, but we are very short on time. Audrey clearly knows we're here, we need to get out of here ASAP" Mal finished.

"Alright, where does this cheerleader bunk down? Even if she's not there we might find some sort of clue" Uma explained. "Isn't she still in dorms?" Jade asked.

"You're right because of summer school" Mal remembered. "What? Summer school?" Harry laughed. "Summer? School? No wonder she wants revenge" He continued laughing.

"He's got a point" Violet said and Jade nodded. "Okay I need you guys to go find Ben. We will meet back at Evie's in two hours okay?" Mal said.

"I'm going with the boys" Jade smiled. "I'm going with Jade" Violet smiled. "Sounds like we're going with my plan. I'm just saying" Uma spoke up.

"It was kind of the obvious plan" Mal said. "Yes, we're going with Uma's plan. Let's go" Jade cut off the bickering before walking out once again Violet following.

"Ben!" Carlos called. "Ben!" Jade called. "These things just grow anywhere" Gil said picking a berry off a tree. "Oh my god blueberries" Jade said picking one and eating it.

"Hey, we should play that icebreaker. Um Jay I like the way you can...bounce around and jump off things" Jade smiled. "These are free right?" He asked.

"Yeah" Jade laughed. "Yeah um...I like how you get a kick out of a berry bush" Jay said walking over to the two. Gil smiled.

"I guess you've probably seen everything by now, huh? Furry rocks, giant fish, you're probably used to grabbing lunch off of a bush" Gil said before eating a berry.

"No, I mean , usually no, not really. I mainly use the vending machines after practice. Tourney kinda eats up most of my time, so" Jay ate a berry himself.

Jade smiled at the interaction. "Tourney? That's a wee boys game" Harry laughed ruining the moment. Jade noticed Jay's expression change.

"Actually going rafting in a jungle river, that sounds like fun right?" Jade said continuing the conversation. "Find a lost civilization" Jay said.

"Ooh maybe a penguin" Gil added. "Well you find those more on like icebergs, but, I'd love to see one of those" Jay said happily.

"You guys are killing me" Harry exclaimed walking over. "Calm down Hook" Jade told him. He took a berry off the bush with his hook. "Mmmm" He said sarcastically.

"PS you mutt and sister went that way" Harry said before walking. "Carlos!" "Jade!" Dude and Violet yelled.

"Vi what's going on?" "Dude what do you see?" They all followed the voices.

"Ben!" Carlos called as they were walking through the woods. "Oh boy something stinks and it wasn't me this time"  Dude said. "Puh-lease" Princess added.

Suddenly a beast popped out in front of them and roared. "Ahhh!" Violet screamed. "Whoa!" Carlos moved Violet out of the way as Ben went to strike her.

He went to strike again but fell over the long. Attacking again Jay moved Harry out of the way making the Ben hit the ground.

The beast climbed up the hump and closer to the trees. "You need some serious nose adjustments. I'm not so sure" Harry said.

The beast howled. "Ben?" Jade realized. "Did Audrey do that?" Carlos asked. "Ah. I thought I recognized those pants" Jay said.

Jade started to climb up the hump. "Jade no! No!" Carlos and Jay protested. "Jade!" Violet yelled. "Relax, it's Ben" Jade said.

Ben held his hand. "Aw he's got a boo-boo. That's why he's so cranky. You know my dad said that his dad did not handle pain well at all" Gil said.

"Jade-" Jade put her finger up shutting Jay up. "Carlos tell me what to do" Jade said getting closer to Ben. "Uh um okay uh-" "Hurry up" Jay urged.

"You have to get him to gain your trust and pull whatever the injury is out" Carlos said. "Okay"Jade nodded and Ben went to strike her and Jade ducked.

"Ben! It's me! It's Jade! Remember the girl you gave a chance to stay here in Auradon, and helped look at baby designs for the shower" Ben growled.

"And looked at different ring cuts for your proposal to Mal. Yes me, hi" Jade said as she slowed down talking. She carefully put her hand out.

Ben brought his nose over and sniffed her before he got closer. "Yes, it's me Ben. Hi, hi" Jade smiled as she grabbed his hand. Jade took his hand and put it on her stomach and smiled.

Jade saw a small smile and took his other hand and snatched out the thorn. Ben roared and Jade laughed as he took a breath.

Out of nowhere enchanted water began to be sprayed at Ben. Jade turned and saw Jane. "Jade!" Violet said hugging her sister. Jade smiled and hugged back.

Carlos ran over to Jane. Jade and Violet jumped down from the hump and Jay walked over to his girlfriend. "You scared me" He said hugging her.

Jade smiled before they pulled away. Jay then went over to helping Ben down. Jade smiled as she saw Carlos hugging Jane.

"Take a seat, there we go" Jay helped him sit on a log. "That was...funky" "Was. Is."

Violet touched the side of Ben's face and Ben realized. "Nice fangs you got there" Jade added as Jay walked over and wrapped an arm around her.

Ben smiled. "You need another blast" Jane said. "No-" Jane blast his face but there was no change. Violet laughed.

"Please. Stop" Ben said with closed eyes. "Huh. It's Enchanted Lake water but I guess it can only do so much" Jane said as Ben opened his eyes.

"Well, well, well" Harry said looking at Jane. "Harry Hook and you my little duckling are..ravishing" harry flirted.

"Ravishing and obviously taken" Violet pointed. Harry looked at Violet as Jade high fived her. "Hold on" Ben said standing up.

"Whose side are they on?" He referred to Harry and Gil. "They escaped and joined us" Jade said.

"Mal has the ember, which is our only hope to stop Audrey, details to follow" Jay explained. "Hades' ember? Has Mal gone back to the Isle?" Ben asked.

"I said 'details to follow', we're meeting up with Mal, Evie and Uma let's g-" "Uma?!" "Details to follow" Everyone said before Jay turned Ben around forcing him to walk.

Jay nodded letting Carlos and Jane walk.

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