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I open my eyes and blinks few times. I'm dizzy and I blame the beers for that. Fuck this hangover!

“Hmmm~” I heard someone. I slowly turn my head to my side and my eyes widened in shock. It's Levi who is still in lying down while his head is looking at my side. Naked.

Shit shit shit
What happened last night?

I close my eyes and try to remember what happened.

Oh yeah...
I remember.
I'm at the mall then I see Lin with her friend from high school. I was about to walk towards their direction when Lin kissed her.

In the lips.

Lin is kissing her girl best friend in the lips!

Girl best friend? No, it's looks like her girlfriend.

Then my eyes widened while remembering what Lin said few days ago.

Yes, she used the word lover and not the boyfriend because her lover is not a man it's a fucking–GIRL!

Shit it's hurt!
She loves a girl and I'm not a girl!

And the next thing I remembered is I'm at the bar. I invited my friends, my two friends who is clearly leaving me to go back home after 3 hours in the bar.

If I am with my friends then why did Levi is sleeping beside me in my room!

I turn my head to look at my room. This is not my room!

Where the fuck is this place?!

I looked at Levi for 5 seconds, trying to remember why I am with him.

I looked at myself and I was stunned to see myself. I was naked! Shit

What the heck is happening to me.

“Aw~” I quickly turn my head to see Levi.

He blinks.
He bite his lower lips. “I'm hurt.” he said.

“What?” I don't understand him, I'm confused. I don't even know why I don't wear my shirt.

“M-My lower... back is hurt.”

Lower back?
Did I kicked him out of the bed last night?

“S-Sorry? Did I kicked you hard last night? One more thing why are you with me. Where are we? Is this a hotel?”

He looks at me. Why did he looked at me like that.

“You don't remember anything?”

I nods. “So, why I am here with you, naked in the bed?” I asked. “Shit don't tell me I called you last night and forced you to have a drink with me?!”

He chuckled but a few seconds later he bite his lower lips again. I think it's really hurt.

“No, you didn't P'Zen. I was talking to you in the phone at 9 pm but suddenly you stop talking and I was just worried because you are alone so, I asked P'Wai where are you with the helped of my brother. When he send the location and quickly go to the bar to find you.” he explained. He took a deep breath before continue. “Then I see you fighting 3 man in the bar. I helped you and dragged you out. I was asking for your place but you are already sleeping and when you wake up you suddenly kiss me.”

I did whatttt
Did he just said I fucking kiss him?

“What the fuck? Don't joke around Nong. My head is still hurt and I'm dizzy so cut the bullshit.” I said, annoyed.

Okay when he said he is worried about me. I feel touched but when he said that I kiss him? NO WAY!


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