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When I wake up Zen is walking from the bathroom. He smile at me when he saw me, he kissed my forehead before arranging all of his shirt and stuff in his bag.

“Take a bath. It's 8 am and we have free time to do what we want to do until 12 before we leave this beach.”

“Can I just sleep? I'm tired from yesterday.”

“No. Now go to the bathroom and take a bath. I'll prepare your changes in from of the door again.”

I shakes my head.
“I'm tired I want to sleep.”

He sighs before walking towards me. He stop in front of me.
He grabs my hand and pulled me to stand up.


“I want to walk in the sand while watching the sea with you, please.”

I gulps.

He pointed the bathroom door while looking at me.

I nods and take a bath.
I really can't say no to him.

It's already evening. Me and Zen is in Gameylan.

Gameylan is one of the known restaurant here in town. The food is expensive and the food is good, they also have a hotel in upper floor of this building so if you want to stay here because you're drunk of tired you can just tell the receptionist and they will take care of everything.

“Enjoy the food.”

“You too, Zen.” I smiled. I chew the food slowly and my eyes widen. “This is really good!” I shows a thumbs up.

He chuckles.
“Of course it is.”

“By the way, Zen... What is the occasion? It's not like... I don't want this but... I was just... curious.” I asked.

“Nothing. I just want to be with you now.”

I stare at him and he also stare at me.
He changed, I think. But he changed in a good way so there is nothing to worry about, right?

A year passed.
Me and my friends are hazers now. We are second year engineering students and I'm the head hazer while they are my generals.

I don't really want to accept the offer but the hazers last year begged me. They said I have the leadership that they are looking for and if I don't accept the offer then no one will be the head hazer this year.

Zen and me are getting closer to each other and I'm happy with it. I sleep over in his house while P'Kai thought Zen is just teaching me about my other subjects and about sex we also did it everytime we have a chance like now.

“ughhhhmm fuckkk Zen... goo deeper, please...” I moan when Zen fucked me hard. He keeps on thrusting his hard length in my hole while sucking my nape.

He fucked me and I'm okay with that after all we are both man and we have a dick so it's okay if he want to shoved his dick inside me.

“How's my performance?” he asked when I burst my orgasm in the bedsheets.

“Great.” I said and kiss his lips which is he gladly accept.

Today is Friday and I have a really bad days this week. This is just the first week of the school year and yet another gang fight happened. P'Kai always scolded me when I came home with bruises. I fight with different gang for 5 days in a row now. We always won but we always got some bruises.

The other students called me and my friends a beast gang.
They said we are all beast when we fight. I don't have problem with that at first but not now. It's starting to get in my nerves.

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