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10 years passed and all of us has a work. Like what we promise each other, we do our best and graduate together. 

Many things happened in 10 years. There's always a misunderstanding between the couple but still they talk about it and clear things up.

Pali and Neo marry each other 8 years ago
P'Kai and P'Wai marry each other 2 months after Pali and Neo.
P'Wan and Frenz marry each other 6 years ago.
Reican and Don marry each other 3 years ago.

I'm so happy for them.

I walks towards them. All of us meet in Divertru because we want to hang out together. Even if they married each other and sometimes we are all busy we still have time to meet and hang out together either coffee, lunch, dinner or drink in the bar like the old times.

“I order you a food.” P'Kai says.

“Thank you.”

“So how's your day?” Frenz asked.

“Same like the other days. Rough.”

He laughs.
“I knew it. While you were walking towards us I can feel the vibes.”

“Shut up!” I pouts.

“Ew. Stop that. It's not cute.” —Frenz.
“True.” Reican said.
They laughed.

I glares at them. Really.
Who says I'm cute? No one...

P'Kai, yes. But that was when I was freshman.

Someone walks towards us, it's Zen.
He is wearing a simple white shirt but he looks so handsome.

“Sorry I'm late.” he said.

Of course he's late. We arrived at the same time but he said I should go first and he will go after 3 minutes.

All this years no one knows about me and Zen. Yeah that's how dense they are or maybe they're just focus on each other so they don't realized that there's something going on between us.

I live with Zen in his house. P'Kai and others think that I rent the other room in his house because P'Kai and P'Wai lives in our house.

I want them to have their time together so I move out and go to Zen. It's a good decision tho. I don't need to hear their scream and moans each others name.


I was tired after work so I really want to go to my bed and sleep.

I walks to the second floor and I nearly open the door of my room but then I heard some noise.

“Ahhhh fckkk there.”

“You're so tight!!!”

“You love it tho... Ughhh fuckk.”

“Yes baby I love it.”

My eyes widened in shocked.

They are having a sex.

I saw my brother doors open.
I didn't see them doing it but still... I HEAR THEIR MOANS!

What the heck.
They should close the door or better they should lock it!

I know they are married but what the heck?! I don't want to hear them doing it.

I slowly walks towards the door and closed it hard. It's create a loud sound.

“Shit! I think... ahhhh fuckkk... you're brother... hmmm... is here”

“Let's talk later Levi!!! ahhh I want to fuckk you moreeee baby...” P'Kai yells before he continue to moans.

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