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After I take a bath I went out to have my lunch. My twin is not in the house so I decided not to cook for the lunch.

I live with my twin in an apartment.
We don't have mother and father anymore because they died in an accident with my auntie and the only relatives that we know is my grandmother and my 2 cousins who lives with my grandmother in my father side.

I quickly go to the counter to order foods.

"Khao pad and milk tea." after I tell my order to the uncle who owned this store I quickly pay for my food in advance and find an empty table.

I was waiting for my order when I saw a familiar face. It's Frenz. The annoying freshman.

What is he doing here?

Ah. Maybe he will eat here also.

My eyes meet his eyes.
He look at me with wide eyes.

He didn't expect to see me here. I know, I also didn't expect to see him here.

He turns his head away to see some empty table but there's no empty table now.

I glanced at my phone to see what time is it.

3 minutes before 1 pm

I looked at him before my eyes landed on my phone. I search his name on my phone and give him a call which is he accept after looking at me with curious look.

"Join me here."


"I said, join me here. I know you're hungry and besides my brother have some important things to do so he won't join me."


He took a deep breath before he cut the call. He walks in the counter and order his food. He walks towards me and sit down across me.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Head Hazer." he said and stare at his phone. I know he doesn't like me, funny though. I also don't like him.

"This is your order." the uncle who runs this store put my order in the table.

"Thank you." I said before eating.

I looked at Frenz when he didn't even say a words. "Why are you so quiet?"

"Because I don't have something to say to you." he smiled.

This asshole!

I calm myself down and ignore his sarcasm until his order placed in the table.

It's Pad Thai and water.


"I was right, you won't be the Moon of Engineering this year." I break the silence between us.

He glared at me.
"As if I want to be Moon." he hissed.

"Yeah... Moon is not suitable for you. More like you are the Sun." I tease him. "My Sun."

He choked on his food.
I just laughed.

He kicked my feet under the table.


Before P'Zen dropped me in our house we go to store to buy some medicine for our wounds because of last night fight in the bar and also some painkillers for me because it's fucking hurts.

When P'Zen dropped me in our house. I asked him to go inside to have some coffee and cookies.

"This is so good!" he says while eating the cookies.

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