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I can't sleep right now because my head is full of Zen. I just stare at the ceiling in my bedroom and sighs.

Should I call him?


He won't like that and besides why would he answer my calls right?

That's right.

I close my eyes but then I quickly open it because an image of Zen while laughing comes into my mind.

I think I'm sick. Lovesick!

I picked up my phone when someone called me.


“The head hazer wants me to asked you if you will join us in the bus tomorrow or you will go to the beach by yourself?” Frenz asked.

“I'll go with P'Kai.”

“Oh sure. I'm sorry if I cut your sleep time.”

“Ah. I actually still awake. I can't sleep.” I smile thinly.

“Why? It's 8 pm already.” he asked me.

“I don't know.” I replied because I sit in my bed. “You? Why are you still awake?”

“I was actually sleeping but then that shitty head hazer called me because he doesn't have your number.” he whines.

I laughs.
He always says that P'Wan is Shitty head hazer but I always see them together in their social media posts.
I thought they hate each other but now I know they don't, right?

“Don't laugh!” I can imagine his face right now. I bet he is glaring at me.

“Owh sorry... it's just so funny for my taste.”

“What the hell is funny with that? I hate him because now I can't sleep!”

I chuckled.
“You really hate him?”


“Sure I'll just pretend that I didn't see your social media accounts.”

He didn't answer so I bet he didn't expect me to know that.

“T-That's because...”

“No need to deny I think all of the students in our faculty knows it too.”

“But that's really not what you think. We are just uhmm...”

“It's really okay don't worry.” I assure him that it's okay.

He sighs.
“Levi we are not in a relationship.” he says softly but I don't know but I think something is wrong about the tone he used. “Can you promise me that you won't tell anyone about the thing that I will tell you?”

I nods even if I know he won't see me.
“Sure. You know you can rely on me.”

He sighs again.

“I meet the girl who played my heart when I was in high school. I accidentally meet her when I was eating with P'Wan in the small restaurant near my place. S-She said some mean words to me. She also said that I'm unwanted, not handsome enough, not kind, I'm a brat who likes to brag about my money, I'm stalker who likes follow her everywhere she go.” he said and stop for 10 seconds before continue. “She also said that she doesn't like me even a bit and she doesn't have a plan to be my girlfriend she just want some... m-money with me because she knows
... that my family is one of the richest family in the country.” he says. I think he is crying because of his voice.

Gold digger.

“I really thought she likes me too so... I give her everything back then even if she didn't say that she likes me too. I... I thought the feelings are mutual but then one day I saw her making out with a guy in one of the classroom in our school.”

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