Ch. 1: The Tragedy Begins

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Early September 2013

I wish everything was easy.

Dealing with my problems at home, with 'friends' and enemies, and school is literally going to kill me. I mean, anyone who's dealt with a mother who's barely home and a father who's never sober would know.

Or anyone who's had the one guy you trust break your heart like you're nothing. And oh yeah, being a Junior in high school failing almost every class.

I've always dealt with misfortunes like these, since I could remember. One bad thing would happen, then another would follow. And it seemed that my life was just... always wrong. I never have anything right, no matter how hard I try.

And here it is, happening again. My life is falling apart, right before my eyes; and I can't even do anything about it.

Someone knocked on my door and quickly closed my journal putting it under my pillow.

Call me childish, but yes, I'm 16 years old and I write in a journal.

Writing and music are the only ways I can get over the bs I'm going through, they're my only escapes from the fucked up world I live in now. I can't talk to anyone about how I feel, that's just how it is when you grow up trusting no one but yourself.

I got up and walked over to the door, slowly since I was in no rush. It could only be three people: my annoying ass mother, annoying ass sister, or my annoying ass best friend.

I opened the door and saw my sister Giavanni, Gia for short. "What do you want man." I groaned and walked back to my bed plopping down on it. I didn't wanna see anyone right now, and knowing Gia she won't leave.

"Oh shut up, your depressed ass been sitting in here all week doing nothing. Jadon's having a party and we're gonna go, so get yourself together and get ready." She closed my room door and opened my closet looking for something for me to wear.

"We? Haha, no, I don't think so. I have to study for this history test and--"

"So do I! We can study tomorrow and Sunday, but let's go tonight!"

Gia is a year younger than me, but she skipped a grade. It's annoying to be the older sister, but the dumb sister. Everybody expects me to be as great and gifted as Gia, but I'm just not.

I thought about the party, and realized with studying I'd fail anyway. I haven't been to a party since... that night.

"Fine whatever, but I swear if I see Christian I'm leaving." I said walking over to the closet but my phone rang. I glanced over and speaking of the biggest asshole himself...

"Don't answer that Gee!" I yelled seeing her walk over to my phone.

She rolled her eyes and answered the phone, completely ignoring me. "Hello?...Hey Christian...Yeah she's right here." She gave me the phone and I took it hanging up instantly.

I know it looks like I'm being rude, but I won't forgive him, ever. I never told anyone why because of all the drama it would cause. Tre would probably beat the poor boy to death, and Gia would try her hardest to make his life hell. I mean how can you claim you love someone and have the nerve to --

"NIYAH! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Gia screamed in my face interrupting my thoughts, "Ever since that night at Amnesia you been out of it! Did someone drug you and you got hooked on woolah?"

AN: Amnesia Lounge is a club in NYC, woolah is a blunt with weed and crack

I looked at her sideways and rolled my eyes, sometimes she doesn't know what to say. "No, nobody on no woolah. What do you want?" She handed me the phone as Christian called again, putting it to my ear slowly.


"What do you want Christian? I don't even wanna talk you."

"Why? Babe you know I miss you. You going to Jadon's party tonight?"


I really don't know what in the hell is going on. Just a few weeks ago Niyah and Christian were perfectly fine, now they're broken up? Something happened that night... and I'm gonna find out what.

"Miss me? Bullshit. You wouldn't have done what you did if you even cared about me." I heard my sister say then saw her put the phone on speaker pointing to the phone and mouthing, this nigga.

"Niyah stop playing with me, you know I was drunk. I would never hit you like that!"

Hit her? I snatched the phone from Niyah and screamed "YOU DID WHAT? You HIT my SISTER? Oh hell no! Wait til Tre find out oooooh he gon' beat your ass! And wait til I see you I swear to God imma--"

I heard Tre honk his horn loudly, it was time to go downstairs.

"I gotta go. But I will curse you out later, you're not off the hook." I ended the call throwing Niyah's phone to her. I can't believe this nigga had the audacity to hit my sister. I can't believe she didn't tell me about it?

"You let him hit you and didn't tell me?"

"He was drunk Gia, and I knew you'd be like this."

"I don't care if he was high off every drug in the world, that doesn't make it okay that he hit you. I'm telling Tre."

"C'mon Gia it's okay, it happened once and won't happen ever again."

"It better not, I'll slap his stupid ass silly." I walked to my room and started to curl my hair and put on a little make-up. I was rushing a little because I know Tre hates to wait. Impatience is his best quality.

I was wearing blue jeans with a blue tank top and blue/white Jordan Olympic 6's. Niyah walked in and started posing, flipping her hair around, and making different faces.


"I look good don't I?" She said sliding her hands down her body then laughing, I laughed too shaking my head at her goofy ass. She was wearing a navy blue floral bustier with blue distressed jeans and Olympic 7's.

"Why you tryna look like me? And why we look like we crip or something." I looked at us in the mirror and saw all the blue we had on. I laughed and started crip walking down the hall, probably doing everything wrong. Niyah was laughing the whole time, because she knows I can't dance for shit. I stopped after a while and bust out laughing with Niyah. Moments like these make me glad to be best friends with my sister. Having fun 24/7 with the person you love the most, it's a great feeling. I draped my arm around her neck and started walking downstairs. "But c'mon Tre is waiting."


I'm not gonna lie, Jadon did his thing with this party! Party looks good, food and drinks are good, and especially these boys look good. I don't really like the guys who live in New York, but not all of them are complete assholes. I was dancing with this one guy for most of the night and we got to know each other a little. It was weird to find what I've been looking for my whole entire life in one night. Someone who's attractive AND has something actually going for himself. I told Gia about him and here she goes, being all in my business.

"A boy? What's his name? Where he from? How old is he? What school he go to? He got a girl? Did you get his--"

"Damn bitch, breathe!" We laughed and I started telling her about him. "Well, his name is Brandon. He's 16 and a junior, at our school actually. He lives in the Bronx and... yeah... that's all I know..." I looked up at her and she was smiling.

"What the hell you over there cheesing for?" I asked and she laughed. "'Cause you like himm! And he sounds perfect."

"Who sounds perfect?" I heard a deep voice say and turned around.


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