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Circus Baby's Pizza World: Opening Day.

The restaurant was a huge success! The months of hard work put into this project was surely worth it. Seeing the joy on the childrens' faces as they ran around thrilled me.

William and I watched the children run from Ballora Gallery to The Funtime Auditorium to Circus Gallery then back to Ballora Gallery.

"They're having so much fun!" I smiled.

"They really seem to like the animatronics, nice job." William praised me.

William and I exchanged smiles and continued watching the kids have fun.
A familiar little orange head ran up to us.

"Daddy, why won't you let me go play with her?" Elizabeth whined to her father.

I looked at William, confused. "Play with who, Elizabeth? Charlie?"

"Circus Baby!" She exclaimed.

Why won't William let her see Baby?

"(Y/N), can I go see Circus Baby?" Elizabeth asked me.

"Uh, yeah, sure..? If your Daddy says yes-"

"But Daddy won't let me!"

I look at William. "Why not?"

William dragged me to the side, away from Elizabeth. "I'm afraid she'll break it. Baby is very expensive machinery! I cannot allow her to damage it."

"She won't, will she?"

"Have you seen her room"

"Er... no? At least, not in the condition you've seen it."

"When she gets excited, her room becomes a demolition zone! Demolition inevitable! I don't want Baby to become totaled."

"Hhh, okay, okay. I see. I understand." I say.

We turn around to see Elizabeth.

"Shucks, Elizabeth, looks like your dear old Dad said no."

"Daddy, you let the other children go see her. Why won't you let me go?"

I bent down and put my hand on Elizabeth's shoulder.

"How about we go see Ballora instead?" I try to deter her and change the subject.

"(Y/N), just once let me play with her. She's so pretty and shiny! Didn't you make her just for me?" Elizabeth whined.

I did make her just for Lizzie.

"Er... I also made Ballora for you, how about we go to Ballora Gallery, hmm?" I take Elizabeth's hand and walk with her and William to Ballora's stage.

We walk and see the white and blue ballerina performing for a crowd of kids.

"Daddy, (Y/N), I need to use the bathroom." Elizabeth tugged at her Father's shirt.

"Alright, go." Elizabeth smiled and ran off.

William and I continued to watch Ballora for a few minutes.

"Hey, closing time's coming. We should start closing up." William said.

"Alright, gotcha." I walked onto Ballora's stage. "Alrighty, Kiddos! Ballora's had a tiresome day, we've gotta let her get ready for bed now! Please go find your parents." I announced.

We did the same thing with the Funtime Auditorium.

"I'd say today was a rather successful first day." William said as we walked towards Circus Gallery.

We looked at Baby, she was sort of lifeless. Her eyes were blackened.

"Did you turn her off?" I asked William.

"No, did you?"

"No, I didn't. Maybe some kid broke her? Oh, speaking of which, where's Elizabeth?"

William's eyes widened. "Has she not come back from the bathroom?"

"No?? I'll go check." I ran off to the bathrooms.

"Elizabeth!! Elizabeth? Are you in here, sweetie?" I called. No response.

I walked back into Circus Gallery to see William, his back turned to me, clutching Circus Baby's shoulders and looking down at his feet.

Did something happen?

"William what's wrong?" Then I saw it, Elizabeth's mangled body inside of Baby's stomach hatch. The space meant for ice cream and trash was now occupied with Elizabeth's body. I felt sick. I felt scared. I felt confused.

My hand flew up to cover my mouth. "Oh, oh my gods... What happened!?"

William was quiet for a little bit. "Her programming must've glitched. She must've thought Elizabeth was a piece of trash left on the floor?"

"W-what?! No. No, no no!" I fell to my knees as tears laced my eyes. "No, no, no, no!" I repeated. The image of her mangled body kept flashing in my mind as if I needed to be reminded. 

William squatted down and pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry."

I looked up at Circus Baby's void black eyes. I stared at them. They seemed to illuminate after a while. The black voids were replaced with green irises.

No, that's not right. Baby's eyes are blue, right? Why were they green now? Green like...


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