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Mina Point of View

I'm getting ready right now to go in work. I wear my black suit, as always, and I wear a black heels then that's all. I don't need bag, my things that needed are already in my office, I just bring my wallet.

I'm heading through the Cafe to get some coffee. I parked my car and enter the Cafe. As I enter the Cafe there's a girl looking at me, It's not new, I used to it  that people are watching me. I ordered a hot coffee and I sit in the corner.

I saw the girl coming towards me, I think? I don't know, maybe she'll go at the count-- fuck!? The coffee she's holding just spilled at me. Luckily it's not that hot. My suit is now wet, my pants are not wet, only the top.

"I'm sorry" She immediately stand up.

I remove my suit jacket and yeah everything is wet. Why!?! It's damn early in this morning.

"Wai-- Wait me here, I'll ge-- get something" She's stuttering now.

She got out in the Cafe and I don't know, I don't care where the hell she's going, I just need a new suit and I can't be late in the work.

"Here, wear this instead" She handed me a black leather jacket.

"That's no purpose" I coldly said

"Wear it so the spilled coffee in your suit won't see" Well I have no choice, so I get it.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to spill the coffee on you. I- I got stumbled that's why" She's explaining.

I just nod at her, yes I understand she didn't mean it and she stumbled that's why, but it's still a shit early in this morning.

I need to go now, I don't want to be late in work "I bring this back tomorrow"

"No, you can have it"

"I don't take things from the people I don't know" I said coldly. I can buy it as many as I want, and I only take things if it's from my unnie's, that's what I only appreciate.

"Oh sorry I forgot, I'm Son Chaeyoung" She introduce herself and offer a handshake.

"I'll get this back to you, tomorrow morning here at the Cafe." I said didn't bother to accept her handshake and leave.

I can't be late! It's already 8:51 am and my work starts at nine. And the bullshit here is because I leave at the Cafe about eight am with a spilled coffee in my suit. I'm stuck here in the road because of the traffic jam.

It's 8:56 and finally I made it. As I enter the building, my workers that I encountered greeted me.

As soon as I enter my office my secretary greeted me and didn't mind my suit. I already told them that don't bother or mind me if I don't talk to them. I headed to my office and put my wallet in the drawer of my desk.

I know I have extra white shirt. I opened my the drawer and checked if there's some white shirt. Found it.

I enter my own restroom to get change, well I have my own inside the office.

I removed my neck tie first then I removed my dress shirt that full of spilled coffee. I get a wipes and wiped my top body, because it's already sticky. After that, I get the white shirt and wear it, I tucked in it and wear the black leather jacket that came from the girl that spilled me a coffee. It smells like strawberry, I kinda like the smell. Then I started to work, I still have a lot of reports to read.

Chaeyoung Point of View

What the fucking hell did I just do. I messed up, I really messed up. Stupid shoes, stupid feet and stupid floor.

I'm so stressed. What kind of stupidity did I just do? I still remember the scene earlier, it's stuck in my head now, I'm trying to forgot what I did  do earlier, but my mind is not cooperating.

And she didn't even accept my hand shake, really? what kind of behavior is that?

She said she don't take things from the people she don't know, so I introduced myself, then she just ignored me. What the fuck should I do?

I'm here at the sala, laying down at my sofa. I'm so stupid. Stupid.

Jeongyeon will come here later at my apartment, for sure she will laugh how stupid I am.

I get up from my sofa because someone's knocking at my door.

"Wait a minute!!" I shouted, I take a glance in the mirror to see if my face is still looks good

"It's me Jeongyeon!" She shouted and after that, I immediately opened the door.

"I got something" She said showing me the plastic she's holding.

"Come in" I said as we headed through the the dining room.

"What's that?" I said

She open the box from the plastic "It's a chicken wings"

"Hhmm that sounds good"

"Have you eaten?" She asked

"No I haven't"

"C'mon let's eat then, I still don't eat too" She said and I get a piece of chicken to eat.

"How was it?" She started to talk while we're eating. No, no, no, I already forgot it.

Thanks for reading and voting!

Sorry for the slow updates. I'm still a student with a lot of responsibilities. I only write when I have free time. Thank you for your patience.(*˘︶˘*).。*♡

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