Confession And Heart Break

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Bruno let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you okay?" Camilo looked up from his plate, stuffing food into his face.

"Yeah, it's nice to finally have a warm meal instead of cold leftovers." Bruno chuckled.

"I found it odd seeing a lot of food go missing. I would blame it on Camilo so much that I got him in trouble, I'm sorry Sobrino." Julieta apologies.

"No worries, I don't remember anyway." Camilo smiled brightly.

"Camilo, there is food all over your face." Félix points out.

"And you're making a mess all over the table and your clothes." Pepa let out an annoyed sigh. "I know your memory is gone but that doesn't mean you should forget your table manners."

Camilo looked down at his nightshirt brushing it off. "Isn't that what clean clothes for?"

"That's not the point!" Pepa yells out as a storm cloud forms over her head.

"Pepa." Abuela scolds her. "Camilo, if you're done eating go change and come back down to talk to me okay."

"Okay." Camilo got up quickly from the table.

"I think we left your clothes in the bathroom." Bruno went to stand up to follow Camilo.

"I can get them. You don't have to follow me." Camilo left quickly

"....What was that about?" Luisa asked a little confused.

"If I had to guess, he is leaving because his mother is scaring him." Isabella smirks.

"I am not scaring my child." Pepa hisses.

"Pepa... Darling, you tend to be a little scary." Felix risks his life saying such a thing.

"What?!?" Pepa glares at her husband. "How dare you say such a thing."

"Enough, with the way things have been going with your actions towards Camilo he is going to grow to be scared of you. Without his memory, all he knows is that you're a woman that claims to be his mother." Abuela sighs. "We all need to have a calm manner towards him until he is back to normal. Luisa, I want you to take him with you into town and try to encourage him to use his gift."

"Me??" Luisa became worried. "I'm going to be around a lot of heavy things. Isn't it dangerous?"

"He can stay home with me. I'm not planning on doing much yet. I don't want to uh... Ruin my chances." Bruno runs his arm nervously.

"I'm sorry Bruno but Camilo can't stay in Casita forever. He needs to be out there and experience things that can trigger a memory." Abuela stood from her chair. "My mind is made up and this is what needs to be done."

Luisa nods her head as she gets up to go get Camilo. "This is gonna suck."

Camilo walked out of the bathroom buttoning up his white shirt humming softly.

"Hey." Luisa called out.

Camilo looked up quickly. "Huh?"

"You and I are going to go run around town and have fun, do some jobs, and just chill. Got it?" Luisa was trying to make herself sound laid back but it came out as bossy.

"Oookay?" Camilo felt confused. "If you say so."

"Let's go, I'm already running late on my duties." Luisa was already walking out of Casita.

"Hey, wait up!" Camilo rushed after her. 'Geez, she's fast.'

"Gotta move fast, there's a lot of people here waiting for our help." Luisa stops in her tracks only to feel Camilo bump into her.

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