Announcement And News

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Hey everyone. Don't be afraid. Just taking a little break. But I'm also having the famous writers block that I seem to get after posting for a while. I don't know how to continue with the story so I'm distracting myself by doing something else. I will post new chapters again soon I just need to get a few ideas going in my head on how to continue.

A lot of my time and devotion has been going towards meeting my new animal companion. About two years ago I lost my little baby Rudy and she was with me for 5 years. It was so sudden when she passed away but now I am ready to move on. The trip to the store he is at is almost an hour away and I have to stay at least an hour to have him get to know me and hear me, see me. But as soon as I am able to bring him home I will be going back to posting. Say hello to Kiwi

 Say hello to Kiwi

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