This Calls For A Celebration

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Camilo helps Bruno up from the floor and brushed the dirt from his hair. "You doing okay?"

Bruno smiled softly. "Yeah, I'm okay." He then flinches when he hears the grandfather clock chime. He looks at the time. "Midnight, wow it's late."

"Oh! It's midnight?" Pepa perks up after being depressed from being yelled at.

"Mamá?" Camilo looked over a bit confused.

"It's midnight." She smiled brightly. "Camilo..."

"What???" Camilo was even more confused. He looked at everyone seeing smiles on their faces. "Guys?"

Everyone put a bright smile on and takes a deep breath in. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all shout out.

Camilo smirks before laughing. "Aww, you guys."

"You're sixteen now, how does it feel?" Félix asked.

"I don't really feel any different. Am I supposed to?" Camilo asked.

"No, but that means you're getting closer to adulthood. Which means more responsibility and less childish things." Abuela chuckled.

"But that sounds lame. I don't want to grow up." Camilo pouts.

Bruno wrapped his arm around Camilo gently. "But if you grow up I can be closer to you in more adult ways." He winks.

Camilo blushed deeply. "Well... When you put it like that." He giggled. "I guess I'll try to grow up a little."

"Ah! None of that stuff until you're eighteen." Pepa hissed, narrowing her eyes like daggers at Bruno.

"Mamá." Camilo groans out. "You can't stop us anymore. If I want Bruno in that way then I will."

"She just wants you two to be safe." Julieta smiled softly.

"Let's throw a party!" Mirabel claps her hands excited trying to change the subject quickly.

"Ugh, not another one." Isabella groans.

"But you like parties. You know, being the center of attention." Mirabel raised her eyebrow confused by her sister's reaction.

"Yeah, I used to. I'm different now." Isabella smirked folding her arms.

"How??" Mirabel asked.

"Because.." Camilo shapeshifts into Isabella. "I used to have to be perfect and pretty all the time. But now I don't have to do any of that anymore." He faked a giggle in her voice.

Everyone gasps lightly hearing Camilo's voice.

"What?" Camilo looks around confused before changing back. "It's not like I haven't made fun of her before."

"What was that?" Abuela asked looking very confused by this sudden shape-shifting.

"Uh... I changed into Isabella to make fun of her??" Camilo replied becoming confused himself.

"My your voice Hijo... That was not your voice." Félix spoke. "How did you change your voice?"

"Oh?! I can do that now. I can change into anyone I want and even copy the way they sound. I think it's pretty cool." Camilo smiled brightly. "In fact, I only ever thought about trying to do that by having a theory with Mirabel."

"A theory?" Abuela walks over to Mirabel. "What were you two talking about?"

"Well... I just thought that maybe we all have secondary talents to our gifts." Mirabel rubbed the side of her arm nervously. "I mean think about it, Mamá was able to heal Camilo with a lemonade. And last night, Camilo told me about Dolores and how she could sense the emotions of those that she was listening to. I just thought that maybe we had something hidden inside of us that is just waiting to be awakened and used."

Camilo x Bruno - Encanto Story Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin