Let The Chaos Begin

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"Camilo... Camilo?" Mirabel calls his name as she gently shakes his shoulder.

"I don't think he can hear you." Luisa pokes him in the face.

"Luisa." Mirabel pulled her hand away when Camilo made a soft whine.

"What? Don't we want to wake him up?" Luisa asked.

"Poke him again." Isabella smirks as she leans in to poke him.

"No." Mirabel slapped her eldest sister's hand away. "We need to be nice to him. I know it's going to be hard for us, someone more than others, to change the way we used to act around him."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Isabella rubbed her slapped hand.

"It's exactly what it means." Mirabel moved a little closer to Luisa for protection. "You have the tendency to treat people like dirt. I know you're trying to change your ways from being the perfect princess but you're still a little... Stuck up." She giggled nervously.

Isabella growls under her breath but then smirked. "You know I can still get you from here, right?" She snapped her fingers as a large vine broke through the floor and wrapped around her youngest sister's ankle.

Mirabel yelps out when she was grabbed.

Camilo sat up quickly hearing the yell and let out one of his own. "Ahh!" He turned to see who was behind him. "What was that?!"

Isabella breaks out into laughter seeing rice stuck on his face.

"Sorry, sorry. That was me. I uh... Um, you have a little." Mirabel gestured around her face seeing the food.

Camilo blinked a few times not understanding. He rubbed his cheek blushing slightly in embarrassment. "Whoops, I must've fallen asleep while eating."

"How much food did you have on this plate?" Luisa asked lifting the plate to look at the mess on the table.

"I don't know, your mom made a lot for me last night. I only had breakfast yesterday." Camilo takes the plate back to scoop the mess up.

"Speaking of our Mamá, where is she? Breakfast is going to be late today if she doesn't get started." Isabella looked around the kitchen. "Her basket is still here so she's not out shopping."

Camilo bites his bottom lip remembering a conversation from last night. "She's probably still in bed. After all, not much sleeping was happening last night." He giggled.

Luisa raised her eyebrow. "Did she not sleep well? Papá did request that she take it easy for the rest of the night."

"Well... There may or may not have been a certain topic that came up and... Let's just say in a few months... Maybe a little longer than a few." Camilo couldn't keep a straight face. "Mirabel, you're going to be an older sister."

The three sisters stood silently for a moment before their eyes lit up. "WHAT!!!"

Camilo covered his ears for a moment. "Ow, loud."

"They are not! No way!" Isabella looked a little disturbed.

"Ahh! I'm going to be a big sister!" Mirabel squeals out in excitement.

"Yup, they're hoping that it's going to be a boy." Camilo added.

"A baby brother, awww~" Luisa let out her own little squeal.

"But... But their old." Isabella folds her arms. "Shouldn't they be worrying about relaxing and laying back at their age?"

"Uh... My mom had Antonio when she was forty-five. That was given years ago. Not that old." Camilo folds his arms as well. "What's wrong with you?"

Camilo x Bruno - Encanto Story حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن