My Purpose Is Pointless

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I love you so much, Bruno. Nothing in this world will keep us apart.

Mamá... Papá... Mi Familia... What are you doing?

Wait, no! Don't hurt him! Leave us alone! We're happy! No! BRUNO!!


Camilo gasps out loudly opening his eyes in fear of the nightmare. He felt betrayed even though he couldn't remember what just happened. He looks down at himself seeing that he was dressed in his nightshirt and pants. 'How did I get into my room?' He thought to himself feeling confused.

"Camilo?" Bruno spoke softly running his fingers through his nephew's brown curly hair. "Are you okay? You fell asleep in the tub. I even tried to wake you up several times."

Camilo flinched at the gentle touch. "Ah!" He instinctively lets a scream out still feeling the effects of his nightmare. "Bruno??"

"Y-yes?" Bruno quickly pulled his hand away. "Did I accidentally hurt you?"

"No... No, I just... I just got scared. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to react that way." Camilo lowers his head trying to remember why he got so scared.

"Did you have a bad dream? You were mumbling in your sleep. It sounded like you were scared of something." Bruno sat down next to Camilo to continue petting his head.

"Even if I was scared of something I wouldn't know what it would be. But I am worried." Camilo shifts to lay his head against Bruno's chest. "I have so much love to give to you but I can't. Not only that but I'm scared of what the others will think when the time comes for them to know."

Bruno had that thought in the back of his head ever since their confessions. "I feel the same way. You're so young and they wouldn't understand. They couldn't understand how difficult it is for me. I'm holding back a lot Camilo, a lot. I'm doing this for you."

Camilo smiled brightly. "I never said you had to hold back on me. It's going to another two years until I'm legally an adult. Do you honestly think you can last two years of not being able to do anything to me?"

Bruno could only shake his head shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know. You can be pretty persuasive."

"Yes I can~" Camilo pulls Bruno's body to lay down with him. "Tío Bruno~ will you cuddle with me?"

"I will." Bruno pokes Camilo in the nose. "Only if you promise to tell everyone in the morning that you're better."

"Ugh, fine." Camilo snuggled in close to Bruno letting out a soft yawn. The day didn't seem that long but his body was drained of energy. "I can't believe I fell asleep in the bath."

Bruno chuckled softly running his fingers through Camilo's hair once again. "I'm just glad I was there. You could have drowned."

"Tell me something I don't know." Camilo mumbles trying to sleep.

"Okay...." Bruno thought for a moment. "I uh... I saw all the torn-up photos on your small table. What's that about?"

"You weren't supposed to see those!" Camilo sat up quickly, anger filling his eyes. "I can't believe you would sneak around in my room and look at my private stuff!"

"How is it private if it's sitting out in the open?!" Bruno held up his hands defensively. "I don't understand how you can be angry at me. I was just curious about who all of those people were that you took photos of. Julieta knows too and she's worried that you're doing something wrong."

"I'm wasn't doing anything wrong. None of those people even exist in Encanto." Camilo looked away feeling betrayed and hurt. Not by Bruno but by himself. "I... I'm those people."

Camilo x Bruno - Encanto Story Where stories live. Discover now