Story Time

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Camilo saw the light on in the kitchen and peeked in to see who it was. It was his other Tío, Agustín. "Whatcha doing??" He asked seeing his Uncle being a little strange.

"Ah!" Agustín jumps and turned around stumbling to keep a glass from dropping out of his hands. "Oh, Camilo. Sorry there bud but you startled me."

"I didn't mean to." Camilo giggles. "Cleaning at this hour?"

"Well, Julieta was exhausted from all the arguing going on so I told her to take the rest of the night off and I'll do the cleaning." Agustín smiles placing a glass onto the counter, barely. He panicked when it started to fall and grabbed it quickly.

Camilo held in his little snicker watching his clumsy uncle fail. "Let me help." He walked over taking the glass. "Can I... Ask you something?"

"Go right ahead." Agustín tosses a wet rag into the air.

"When you met Tía Julieta... What did you think about the family's gifts?" Camilo asked.

Agustín hums softly thinking about the day he met her. He couldn't help but chuckle. "I was a nervous wreck."


I was about eighteen years old when I first met her. That day was one of the worst days of my life. But it turned out great. I was helping my father with some duties around the home by chopping up wood for the fireplace. And of course, the log that I was using ended up having a beehive inside. I swung a little too hard and the ax went right through the stump. Bees swarmed me and with my allergies, I would have died for sure.

"Stay still Agustín, help us coming. I should have checked the logs and stump." His father was patting his very swollen son.

Agustín could only grunt and mumble, unable to speak due to the swelling. He could barely hear or see anything around him.

"Oh! Thank goodness you're here. Please help him. I don't know if he is deathly allergic but this is the worse I've seen." His father started talking to someone who had arrived.

"What's his name?" A young girl asked.

"Agustín." The father replied.

Agustín could feel a gentle hand touching his face. He tried to open his eyes to see. "Hmph?"

"Stay calm, Agustín. You'll be good as new in no time. Can you eat this for me?" She asked holding up some bread to his mouth.

Agustín struggled to open wide but was able to take a small bite. Within a few seconds, the swelling started to go down. His eyes sparkled seeing the young girl in front of him.

She smiled softly. "Hi, how are you feeling?" She asked holding the piece of bread to his mouth once again.

Agustín could only stare as he takes another bite. "Good."

"Agustín, don't stare. That is not polite, young man." His father sighs out. "I'm sorry, he always gets like this after his allergic reaction dies down. It's like he's not even there anymore."

"What? I'm not staring." Agustín looked away embarrassed. He gasps lightly seeing the swelling disappear before his eyes. "Wow, how did you do that?"

"Her gift." An older woman walks up with a smile. "Julieta's gift can heal the sick and the broken with just a bite of her delicious food."

"Senorita Alma, thank you for bringing your daughter to help us at such short notice." Agustín's father bows in respect.

'Julieta' Agustín lets out a sigh smiling softly at the girl in front of him.

Camilo x Bruno - Encanto Story Where stories live. Discover now