Honesty.... Is NOT The Best Policy

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"Maria..." Camilo gently squeezed her hand. "There's something that I need to tell you. And if I don't do it now then I will hate myself for the rest of my life."

"What is it?" Maria was blushing lightly as her friends walk over giggling.

Camilo felt the world freeze around him. He couldn't do it. He couldn't tell her straight to her face. "I... Um... I wanted to tell you... Um.. let's hang out. Now, over by the river again." He laughs nervously letting go of her hand.

"Oh? Okay..." Maria was a little confused by this but decided to accept the proposal of hanging out.

"I'll meet you there!" He grabbed Mirabel's hand and runs off quickly.

"Cami-Ahh!" Mirabel yelps out when she was dragged away. "Hey! Hold on a second. You were supposed to tell her the truth."

Camilo came to a stop so suddenly having Mirabel crash into him. They both fall roughly. "Ow! Watch it."

"You watch it! What was that back there??" Mirabel scrambled around for her glasses.

"I... I panicked okay! I can't do it. She's not my family so I can't just tell her that I'm homosexual." Camilo sat up tugging at his hair.

"Calm down, geez it's not going to be the end of the world if she knows." Mirabel sighs out trying to clean her glasses. "You need to suck it up and just tell her."

"You do it." Camilo folds his arms quitting on himself.

Mirabel puts her glasses back on shaking her head. "No, I'm not the one that is hiding in fear over something so simple. You need to do it."

"I can't!" Camilo groans out walking away from her.

Mirabel sighs in annoyance but then got a quick idea. "Wait! You can, but just do it as someone else."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Camilo stopped to listen to the idea.

"You can tell her by being someone else." Mirabel frowns lightly tapping her fingers together feeling guilty. "Look, I know your confidence grows a lot when you're someone else. I... I heard everything when you were going off about how useless we would all be without the miracle. I didn't mean to but when you started yelling I was already walking down the hallway to go to the bathroom. You thrive off of being someone you're not, it's a little sad to hear that but you're so great as you. If you can't do it yourself then be someone you're not."

Camilo thinks for a moment about the idea and nods. "You're right, if I can't do it myself maybe I can have enough courage to do it as someone else. But who...."

"Well since you wanted me to do it then why not change into me?" Mirabel suggests.

"That's not a bad idea, but I can't copy your voice. That's the limit to my gift... Unless..." Camilo goes back into deep thought remembering something from last night.

"What?" Mirabel tilts her head seeing him thinking.

"Dolores, she was upset with how she was using her gift and wanted to be more helpful. She then admits that she can feel the emotions of anyone she can hear. What if... What if we all have secondary gifts that help us enhance our original ones." Camilo became excited about this.

Mirabel was going to protest the thought. "I... Hmmmmmmmmmmm." She then gets puzzled. "Is that possible???"

"Who knows, none of us ever thought to try and find out. I mean think about it, don't you remember when Bruno gave a vision saying Isabella's power would grow and change? It sure did. She can make plants and trees now instead of just flowers." Camilo points out.

Camilo x Bruno - Encanto Story Where stories live. Discover now