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Camilo sighs as he stops at the base of the pathway leading up to the home.

Bruno noticed this, turning to look behind him. "Hey, you okay?"

Camilo lowered his head. "I was just thinking about everything that has been going on." He held himself gently. "The miracle dying, everyone struggling with themselves... My accident." The young male slowly turned walking away from the home. "Having a lot of random memories come back to me. Things that I didn't think that I would ever remember again."

Bruno panicked a bit as Camilo started to walk away. He looked back and forth frantically at Casita and Camilo before darting after him. "I get it, a lot has happened these past few days. But there isn't anything to worry about... Yet." He shakes his head getting those thoughts to go away. "You're going to be fine. Let's just go home and relax the rest of this night away."

Camilo looks up at the town in front of him silently. "Ever wonder what would have actually happened to all of those people if the miracle was never created?"

"Nope." Bruno answered quickly before turning Camilo around to push him back towards Casita. "And I don't need to know. All that I know is that we are safe and sound in Encanto. Nothing bad will happen because the miracle is still here."

Camilo shapeshifts into a child, ducking underneath Bruno's legs to stop himself from being pushed. "That's what I'm getting at." He turned back to normal. "Hasn't ever occurred to you that only the older citizens of this place know the truth and worry more about the magic of the family than we do?"

Bruno groans out a little annoyed as he turns around again. "What are you talking about? The family went insane after they found out the truth of my vision and why the magic was fading away."

"That's because Casita was breaking around us. We could have been crushed and died. I want to know the truth about the miracle." Camilo glanced up at Casita towards the window the candle was sitting in. "Why did it form? What made it come to life?"

Bruno shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe you should ask Mamá. If anyone truly knows the reason why it would be her. After all, she is the sole reason why it exists."

Camilo folds his arms a little disappointed. "Are you seriously telling me that she never told you why it existed in the first place?"

"Look, I was a baby. I wasn't even a week old when this stuff happened. And even if she did tell me, I'm kind of insane and could not for the life of me remember anything that happened in my childhood. All I know is that it's safe in Encanto. No one leaves Encanto...." Bruno slowly looked past Camilo at the distant mountain range.

Camilo looked over his shoulder curiously. "What? Did you see something?" He asked before looking back at Bruno.

"I... Well after the home collapsed because of the miracle dying... There was a giant crack in that mountain there." Bruno pointed out. "Mamá and Mirabel were on the other side of it when I went after them on horseback to bring them home."

"Wait... You're saying there is actually something out there?" Camilo asked.

"Yeah, when I found them they were standing beside this stream. It looked like it was connected to the rivers that we have here but... It felt different." Bruno held himself a bit. "It's like I could feel a dark energy from that area even though it was so peaceful and bright."

Camilo narrows his eyes. "I remember you telling me a long time ago before we came along that you would help the town priest and do blessings for people before your gift started to get in the way of things."

"How in the world would you remember something like that? I don't even remember." Bruno looked surprised.

Camilo chuckles lightly at this. "Just tell me this then. Being with a priest and doing these blessings, prayers, and other things, you would become a little sensitive to the dark things. Like omens and real curses."

Camilo x Bruno - Encanto Story Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin