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"This is Casey." he pulled his phone up to his ear. "Uh-huh. So what are you tyring to say." His faced changed into a square and it looked like something was wrong. But, who was he talking too?

"Hey, so I need to tell you something." Gabby pulled the phone from her ear, she started to cry. "I, my...friend, she, she's. And I...don't, I.." Their words went back and forth.
"Just meet me at my apartment and we can talk."
"Yeah, sure, I really need you right now." It seemed like Gabby was upset about something, and it really got a hold of her and it didn't let go.
"Okay, see you in a few."
"Yeah." Her cries seemed to close up and come to an end.

Gabby walked right into Matt's apartment like she lived there. Matt was sitting on the couch looking right into a picture of Gabby on his phone. "Hey, you okay. We can talk. Come here." Casey pointed at the couch. "Sit down." He said.
"I...When I found out she was dead, I couldn't, I just can't. After Shay died, I just can't handle another death."
"Who's dead?"
"It's Laura. She..."
"Oh my God."
"She was in an accident, doctors say she most likely won't make it."
"So she isn't dead yet. Are you okay?"
"My brother isn't, he is out of it."
"Are you okay? I'm sure this brings back what happened with Shay."
"I can't."
"Do you remember when we broke up?"
"Yeah." Casey responded. The thought brought the bad memories back, along with all of the good ones.
"That was a mistake. We should still be together."
"We can't. You know that. As much as we'd both want to."
"I know, but I miss you," The cries got a hold of her, "so much."
"I know, I want to too, but I want us to keep our jobs too."
"I'm sorry." Gabby looked at Matt. "I shouldn't have called you earlier. That was the mistake."
"Gabby! Wait Up." But before he could say anymore, the door slammed, and his only chance for true happiness had left. It had left the moment he said, "We can't." That was the only way it could end. But true love always finds its' way, but this time, could it?
No, it couldn't, not if they couldn't make the gestures to actually fight for their love. They tell each other they want them, but they are rejected, over and over. So Matt decides, it's time for him to take matters into his own hands.

"Gabriela Dawson!" Severide yelled acros the firehouse, "We need you in here, quick!" Following orders, she quickly made her way to the kitchen. Severide was standing on one of the tables. "Gabriela Dawson, he has a few words to say, and he would like it for you to hear him out." Severide said in a nice soothing voice. The doors closed behind her, and the ones in front of her opened. Out walked a man in a suit, Matt Casey.
"I love you. Gabriela, you are the only person I have ever wanted be with. The only person I've ever loved. And I know I said I love you to other people, but that wasn't true love. This is. Gabriela Dawson," Matt looked at the ground, then back into her eyes. "Will you marry me?"
"I..." Gabby looked at him straight in the eyes and saw the joy in his eyes. "I..."

Chicago Fire: DawseyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang