We are having a baby, baby.

770 22 2

The Gender is........Female....

"Okay. Matt, what do you think?"


"We could name her after Shay?"

"Yeah, honor her?"

"Grace Leslie Casey."


"Yeah, It means God's favor. And I think Shay wouldv'e loved a baby kind of "STEALING" her name. I miss her." Gabby started crying.

"Grace Leslie Casey. That'll be her name." Matt stated. "Her nickname will be lil' fire." Gabby punched him in the arm. "Kidding, it'll be Shay. We will call her that. But her friends will call her Grace. And we will love her. Forever."


So There it is...Grace Leslie Casey. But there is a chance it could change from comments. Or my thoughts. You will just have to wait and see...

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