>>>< 10 ><<<

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(A/n so um this is a gender neutral reader but haha these motel rooms are by gender. I um really didn't think the gender neutral thing through so yay. Um I am going to the the MC share a room with Ash, Taylor and another random girl, I'm sorry if this doesn't fit, but if you have a better idea, please let me know. Again, apologizes.)

>>>< Creatures in the Dark ><<<

Ashlyn screamed and jumped away from the creature, which disappeared when she did so, falling to the ground in a panic.

I rushed over to make sure she was okay, as the others all spoke.

"Where did it go?"
"What was it?"
"I-I don't see it anywhere."
"One of the ghosts maybe?"

Then Tyler's big mouth spoke up.
"Are you guys dumb? Ghosts aren't real. This is just some stupid prank."
"A prank?"
"Obviously. A group conveniently cancels a reservation, and our guide just happens to have an excuse to leave? Then when we're all alone in a 'haunted' house we have a scary encounter. Immediately after said "scary encounter" the thing disappears before we can confirm or touch it? Yeah right. This is definitely set up for some sort of reaction video to make money. They probably have cameras and a projector hidden somewhere. Screw you and your idiotic video! For the record, you don't have permission to use our reactions! C'mon Tay. We're going back to the bus"
And with that he dragged Taylor off.

"Way to ruin the fun, Tyler." I grumbled. Logan looked at me like I was crazy. "Fun?!"

Aiden made his way over next to Ashlyn and I. "Ash? Ya good?" He pat her head to try and get her attention. She was holding her arm with a blank look on her face. He startled her, and she went flying backwards. "Please stop getting in my face!"

He laughed a bit, smiling. "I kept calling your name, but you weren't answering." "...I'm fine. Just somewhat spooked I guess. It's almost 5:30, we should catch up with the others."

I gave her a concerned look, but Aiden and I complied and let the subject drop.


We got to the motel room, and we all got cleaned up. Me, Ashlyn, Taylor, and a random girl all shared a motel room. Me and the other girl were to share a bedroom, Taylor and Ashlyn the other.

After I had cleaned up, I sat on the floor and messed with my phone for a bit.

By 8:30 Ashlyn had gone to their room and Taylor and the girl were playing games. I followed Ashlyn because I wanted to check up on her. She was doing her ballet stretches again, so I sat down next to her, putting my phone down.

"You still seem shaken from earlier. Don't even try to deny it, I've known you long enough to tell." She looked up at me, then switched to a different bendy position. "I know, I'll be fine." I took her short answer as the end of the conversation. I sat there on the floor next to her for a bit, thinking about the strange events of the day.

word count: 508

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