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HII welcome to my new book!!! I hope you are all doing wonderful and healthy. I will update as often as I can but anyways into the chapter.

(Sora POV) Silence is all I know, all I hear, all I see. Ever since my father left me my mind became dark. All thoughts vanished and with that my words faded away to. With no motivation to speak I became mute. Everyone who surrounded me slowly began to fade and soon I was alone. no one wanted to be friends with someone who didn't talk. And because all my friends left me I no longer had any reason to speak so I didn't. 

That was when I was 12, I'm now 16 and still only speak using nods and gestures. I don't even speak to my mother, but everyone has gotten used to it. More like they have given up, after years of therapy and counseling with no results people just stopped caring. Why would they keep trying if I'm not going to talk anyway. I refuse to talk, it's kind of like me going on strike for my dad. But sadly my silent protest will never end. How could it? By now I had come to terms with the fact that my dad was never coming back. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna start talking.

I had made it to half way through grade 11 without talking so why should I start now. I continued to ignore everyone for a while until one horribly wonderful day. I had never really identified myself as gay or straight mainly because well I didn't talk so I would never be with anyone any way. I never really felt any attraction to anyone but then I met him.

I walked into school with my regular displeased face and continued to ignore everyone until. A stunning boy stepped in. His eyes were raging like wildfires and his hair was spiked up like one of my favorite anime characters kirishima. He looked so cool, I wanted nothing more than to talk to him and get to know him. I tried to wave but then I realized I couldn't talk, I mean I could but. I hadn't talked for years I forgot how. And even if I could what would I say? I had to make him notice me I just had to. But how?

HIII LUVS tell me what you think about this chapter down below I will update as soon as I can. <333      

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