Notice me....

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HII I hope you are all doing wonderful!!! TYSM for 20 reads already but anyways into the chapter.

(Sora POV) I continued to stare at the boy until he bumped into a desk. His face flushed with embarrassment before the teacher said "everyone welcome our new student." The red boy looked up and smiled "hi, I'm jaxx and I'm so excited to be joining you this year." Even his voice was charming, I was falling for this boy harder than I ever had for anyone before. I had to talk to him.

At lunch he got surrounded by girls. How could I compete with them they were all so beautiful. Not to mention he could totally be into girls he was probably straight. But he didn't look interested in any of them. They were all fawning over him but he just looked... scared, why? So many guys would pay just to have that many girls hitting on them but here he was. Uninterested. 

2 days later   

Days went by and I still hadn't talked, I had to figure something out. My head was clouded with thoughts and I was so confused. My judgement was so clouded that I just got up and walked right over to him. But in the process I tripped over a chair like the dumb ass I am and began to fall. I was heading towards the ground and a speeding pace. I was terrified, I had embarrassed myself enough and now here I went again I squinted my eyes ready to hit the ground. But after a solid minute without touching the ground I looked up and their he was.

The stunning red headed boy stared down at me with me in his arms. My cheeks heated up, how was he just ok with holding me like this and his face was so close. I could hear his breathe in my ear. "Hi, I'm jaxx" he said, this was my chance I could talk and get him to finally notice me. I had to speak now was the time. But what would I say?  What could I say? I hadn't spoken in years and now I had forgotten how. 

So I resorted to the stupidest option alive. Run away in fear. I continued to run until I felt like I was safe. After a bit I looked back to see Jaxx standing with a hurt look on his face. Just great I thought, now he thinks I'm a jerk what will I do now.

I don't post on weekends so I'll see you all on monday bye I love you all <333 

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