Crowds and Confessions

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(Sora POV) I had just told Jaxx my life story. I looked up a him with hopeful eyes. Before he said "Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't know." "It's okay I trust you," I said before blushing at what I had just said. He smiled, "thanks for telling me, I have to go now bye." He walked away and I watched, I had just spoke, I had just made a friend. Nothing could contain my excitement, I was finally free from silence.

But then I realized, what would I do. I mean we were friends now but that wasn't what I wanted. I wanted us to be more than friends. I needed us to be, if I was ever going to be in a relationship it would be with him. I refuse to be with anyone else. I went home that night stuck in my head. I planned on saying hi to my mom but I got to scared. I didn't want to talk to her the only person I would ever talk to was Jaxx. 

The next day

I went to school and walked in as per usual. The usual nasty smell entered my nose teasing my senses. Because I didn't talk I often payed attention to the other magical parts of the world around me beyond conversation. It was peaceful and I liked it that way. It allowed me to find the deeper meaning in everything. But suddenly I was surrounded. People everywhere swarming me with questions.

I couldn't comprehend their words but a few stood out. A few saying that someone had told them I could talk again. Of course, Jaxx had told them and now they all wanted me to talk. I didn't blame him though, I never told him not to tell anyone but a small warning would be nice. The crowd continued to rage until I couldn't handle it. Tears fled from my eyes as I ran away. I couldn't control them from flowing out.

I hid in a bathroom stall until someone knocked on the door. "Hey, I'm sorry I couldn't control them I'm so sorry they just kept coming and now well..." I looked at the ground before coming out of the stall. "It's ok I mumbled," and then he hugged me.

See you monday bye luvs <33  

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