When the Words Come out

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Hello! I hope you are all doing wonderful and but anyways into the chapter.

(Sora POV) I began to head towards Jaxx their was no turning back, I couldn't turn back. I refused to. I had to talk to Jaxx. As I continued to get closer my breathe hitched in my chest. I couldn't freeze up again this was my final chance. I continued walking until I had reached Jaxx. I stared up into his eyes. We made eye contact, he looked confused. I felt my throat begin to close, my thoughts began to dry up. I didn't know what to say so I began to turn around.

I began to walk away but then I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. I gasped but then turned around to see Jaxx staring at me with a pleading glance. He stared into my eyes before saying "I know you can't talk and I don't expect you to but can you explain why you keep walking up to me, in some way." I looked up at him, now was the time. It had never felt right before but I new that now was the time, the time to let the words come out.

"I-" "I'm sorry I kept running away, that was wrong of me of me. I just wanted to get to know you but I was to scared." Jaxx looked at me with wide eyes, I looked up at him confused. But then I realized I had just spoke. For the first time in years I spoke. "Y-you talked" he said, "ya... I did." Finally I had let the words come out. 

"So,.." he said, "so...." "Well why are you mute?" he asked. "I umm..." He looked up, "It's ok if you don't wanna tell me." "No no it's ok I can explain just give me a second. STORY BEGINS.. "A long time ago, (more like a few years back) I had a father. He was my whole world, he taught me everything and I loved him more than anything. He made me realize how much I loved words and because of him I fell in love with stories. I loved reading to him and writing stories but soon he became sick. His usual spark disappeared, I thought that if I wrote stories I could heal him. But soon he faded away and with him my love for words. He inspired me to speak but when he left I know longer had any desire to speak so I didn't." STORY END.....

HII I love you all!! thanks for reading don't forget to vote, follow and comment. 

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