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HII I hope you are all doing wonderful but anyway welcome.

(Sora POV) He hugged me, he really hugged me! I couldn't believe it, my face was so close to his chest and I could hear his heart beat. I could hear his breathe in my ear and couldn't help but blush. He released me and smiled. I'm glad your ok, I looked up at him he had a slight rose tint on his cheeks.

He looked so cute, almost like a big puppy. "I should probably get to class" he mumbled, and then walked off. I wish we could have stayed like that forever but sadly all good things must come to an end. I walked to class, wishing Jaxx was with me.

I walked into class and took my seat about to mentally prepare myself for another stupid class. I stared at my desk and rested my head on it, the sprigs sticking out from the splintered wood top  attempting to dig into my forehead. UGH I mumbled to myself continuing to attempt to waste away yet another class.  before I knew it I looked up and class was over.

I walked out of class and began walking down the hallway focusing on the noise my foot made each time it made contact with the ground until... THUD. I walked face first into one of the kids who was harassing earlier. "Hey you talk," I looked up as if to say what do you mean talk I can't. "We all know you can, you were making out with that Jaxx kid in the washroom we all heard about it." I looked at my feet, what the hell. Who the hell told this guy I was making out with Jaxx. 

I began to step away before he grabbed me " just talk you idiot," he said. Why on earth was he so desperate to hear me talk I mean like what the heck. "Get away from him Levi," Jaxx yelled as he stepped in. The dark haired boy looked up in surprise. "What don't want me talking to your boyfriend." And with that Levi walked away with an angry expression.

Jaxx looked at me "what happened?" "I don't know he just started talking and wouldn't stop." "That's Levi for you" a boy with light purple hair said. I looked up confused "he never stops until he gets what he wants." "Well what does he want" insisted Jaxx. The boy grinned a me "oh you silly little thing he wants you......"

HII Luvs <333 don't forget to comment, vote and follow to show your support I love you all.

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