Happily Ever Never....

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New chapter....!

(Sora POV) Weeks felt like hours when I was with Jaxx. Time just seemed to waste away when I was with him. His smile was could light up the word or it most certainly lit up mine. There was nothing about him I didn't like. The things some people would see as flaws in my opinion were just quirks that made him better. He was..... perfect everything I ever wanted in a lover...in a human. I loved him more by the day, it felt like he was stealing my heart and I was fine with that he could have every piece of me if he wanted.

(Jaxx POV) I loved spending time with Sora it was amazing getting to know everything about him, everything about him was interesting I could spend hours just trying to learn the beginning about him he was so complicated and hard to read but I was starting to truly understand who he really was. He was such an amazing person and I wanted to spend all the time I could with him.

I walked home and entered my house to see my Mother crying. I ran over to her, "what's wrong?" she looks up at me with sadness in her eyes. I recognized those eyes. It was money problems, we had never really been well off and the struggle was always there but we were happy. She looked at the ground "I'm so sorry." "It's ok whatever it is we can fix it," "I'm afraid that isn't the case we are going to lose our house." Tears fell down my face, "where are we gonna live?" I asked "I don't know but we have to be out of here soon so it might be pretty rough for a bit." With that she stared at me with apologetic eyes before walking out. 

I spent the rest of the night hoping we could find another home near here until I fell asleep. I woke up in the morning and got ready for school. I walked out of my room to see my sleep deprived mother in front of a computer. She looked up at me and smiled "Good morning, good news I found us a home in ****** (I don't know a location so... ya)"  I look up at her "******??? that's over 5 hours away!! BY PLANE!!" "I know it's far but at least now we have a home." I ran out of my house and out the door why I finally found someone and now I had to leave them....

See you in the next episode....            

꧁•⊹٭𝙰 𝙼𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚄𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜٭⊹•꧂Where stories live. Discover now