The Words I Never Spoke

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Hi LUVS I hope you are all doing wonderful but anyways into the chapter!!

(Sora POV) I blew my chance, I had been fantasizing about this boy for days and now once I got the chance I ran away. I hid behind the wall before collapsing to my knees and crying. People passed by and ignored me, that was my usual treatment. Unnoticed, useless, friendless. I had no friends and I never would if I kept acting like this.

(Jaxx POV) I was really new to this school and well to be honest I felt like I didn't belong. I was getting swarmed by girls but none of it felt right. None of them grabbed my attention. I felt so misplaced but I didn't know what to do. Until a boy walked in, he had stunning blue eyes. They looked like a whole world was hiding behind them. His hair was dyed a cyan color but it looked so natural. He was beautiful, I starred as he drew in closer but then he tripped.

He began to fall so I ran in and caught him. He stared up into my eyes and I stared into his. I leaned in close before he ran away with out a word. I stared at him hurt and confused before one of the boys walked up to me. "That's Sora he's been mute for about 4 years now he won't talk for anyone. For a minute I thought he was gonna say something but I guess not." I stared at the ground, why did the only cute boy have to want nothing to do with me.

(Sora POV) I continued to cry until no more tears would come out. STUPID, STUPID! I repeated in embarrassment. I would never find anyone if I couldn't talk. I considered going up and trying again but rejected the idea because of last time. I continued to sit on the ground until the bell rang and I had to go inside. I tried to focus in class but I couldn't take my mind off of Jaxx. I had no idea so I decided that day that I would talk to him as soon as I could.

The day continued on until I was exiting the school and spotted Jaxx. I began walk over to him. I took a deep breathe waiting for the words to come into my head. The thousands of words were finally ready to come out.......

HII I hope you are all doing wonderful don't forget to comment follow and vote <333

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