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Now after the fight with New Jersey several Kansen who watched the fight now are creating a kind of broadside fan club in tribute to the Kansen of the cybertronian who has arrived at this world...

South Dakot: are you sure that this is really nessesary?

Bataan: well I was thinking about the same thing though.

The two Kansen that respected broadside now are facing those who outright admired him...

Reno: I knew it my newest invention; the free retrofit for broadside can take on New Jersey!

Cooper: yeah! That what's cool is that he almost pummeled Her!

This now gets the attention of some of the other Kansen in the base...

Bremerton: it seems that guy really hates his role as a naval specialist...better deal with it!

Then her "favorite" patient then came up and asked her about it...

Switchblade: how exactly? He's probably like that for years!

Bremerton: oh well, we'll reach him soon enough!

She sees broadside who is now is sitting on the same bench as she is now looking through the window...

Broadside pov:

Now looking for something to do as he is now heading back inside, then it dawned on him,...and so he walked up to enterprise's room to where he now waits for her to leave her room, and that is where he then meets Essex.

Essex: hey...I was wondering why you are here?

Broadside: oh! You see I was about to meet I can vouch to free the aerialbots from prison!

Then sweat dropped from her...

Essex: are you crazy!? you wanted to free the gang that almost killed you!?

Broadside: sorry...but I I forgive them since they are still autobots, still they are still confused about this world and especially their combined form of superion!

Essex: so?

Broadside: I'm going to convince enterprise to let them go, so ok!

As he sighed in relief due to the fact that Essex is now showing a strong sign of hesitance to broadside's own request, but it came to be somewhat delayed ask as one of the members of new jersey's group...

Morrison: bro- uhhhh...what's his name is again?...

Broadside: hey Morrison!...

Morrison: look out!


Broadside now sees what looks like a yellow mechanical teddy bear that is armed with a three-pronged claw and a cannon and is now walking up to him as she now is watching in complete terror...

Morrison: n-no!

is a bit too late as broadside now summoned one of his axes to attack and destroy the little robot that is armed enough to take her side as her first line of defense...but broadside must first stop it as he now tries to stop Morrison is trying to stop him, only to end as broadside destroyed it by slashing it cleanly in straight down the middle...then he considers looking at Morrison who is terrified. 

broadside: oh hi there Morrison!

morrison: h-hi Mr. b-...

broadside: its broadside...i know you can't remember it that easily...but oh well, and is this little attack drone yours?

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