𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛

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April 7th Saturday, Houston Texas

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April 7th Saturday, Houston Texas

I moan softly feeling my body waking up from its sleep. Rolling over on my back feeling around the sheets with my eyes still closed. Feeling the natural light beaming in the unfamiliar room. My eyebrows furrow opening my eyes, relaxing when I remembered I stayed the night at Briella's house.

I sit up against the head board and sees nobody in the room with me. I grab my phone to text Briella to ask does she have an extra toothbrush. She quickly responded saying a simple yes. I take a moment to remember what happened last night. How Jason got me to explain why I was avoiding him. I was surprised that he had actually convinced me to speak up.

Before I could text Briella and ask her where the extra toothbrush was the door bust open. Bri came in breathing hard trying to catch her breath. I let out a light laugh and shook my head because I had already knew Briella ran up here probably to bombard me with questions. She smiled widely walking over to me handing me the toothbrush.

"Thank you Bri," I said getting up to go to Briella's huge restroom. "Are you going to tell me why the hell you left my room and came back twenty minutes later?" She exclaims following me into to the restroom. I look up at her through the mirror while putting water on the toothbrush. "Can I brush my teeth first?" I ask while laughing.

Briella rolls her eyes and stands there till I finishes brushing my teeth. "Do you have a washcloth?" I ask trying not laugh at Briella's impatient face. She walks over to a closet in the restroom grabbing a dark grey towel. Bri hands it to me and gives me a bottle of face wash. "Hurry up." she mutters. And I just laugh while cleaning my face.

I splash water on my face. Patting my face dry and adding moisturizer. I turn around to Briella and she is smiling all big like a kid. "Okay come on." I say walking back to her room to make her bed she gladly skips behind me. "It wasn't even what you think it was." I say straightening out the light blue comforter. "Okay then what was it?" Bri asks while putting her decorative pillow how she likes them.

"He was just asking why I was avoiding him. And making me communicate and express how I felt. Thats all." I mutter while taking off my bonnet and untwisting my plats.

Briella nods her head in understanding. "Oh so he went all therapist on you? Sounds like him."

"Yeah he did but it did help me a lot. It was weird because I never open up to many people about my feelings but it was like-"

"Like you were comfortable and could trust him enough?" Briella finishes for me.

I turn around from the body mirror to face her, and nod my head.

She sighs and walks over to me. I turn back around in the mirror finishing one of my plats. "Yeah most people are like that with him. He acts like he don't give one fuck in the world which for the most part he doesn't. But when you get under all that you'd be surprised how healthy minded he really is. So don't be surprised if he goes all 'you gotta talk to me don't hold shit in' on you. Its what he does to people likes. Or tolerates rather cause he a bully to me and the crew. But you, I can tell he likes." she said while taking down my last twist.

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