𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐸𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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Two months later

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Two months later

Soren felt nothing but hesitant as she was getting ready to leave her house. Today was the day she was going to tell Jason she was quitting. She decided tonight was going to be her last dance. She wasn't sure how he was going to react to the news. Though she had to keep reminding herself that the chances of him being angry and lashing out were very low. She did know him after all.

Grabbing her phone and her duffel bag she left the house. As she was on her way her mother called.

"Hey Michelle."

"Uh girl don't be calling me by my first name." Michelle laughed Soren doing the same.

"What's up momma, why you call me so late? You and daddy be knocked out by now."

"Well your dad is sleep. I was just checking on you. I wanted to make sure Jason's recovery was going well." Michelle spoke.

Soren rolled her eyes lightly. "Ma that boy is out here up and moving like he ain't even get shot. I mean I know it's about to make two months since then but I'm still worried."

You'd think Soren and Jason would be getting closer now that they've confessed their feeling to each other. But Soren has been out the house more at night. Meanwhile Jason is usually gone during the day.

"Well baby that's how a lot of men act. And from what you told me he doesn't like to be sitting around the house all day. So try not too worry too much babygirl. He can't help it." Michelle spoke reassuringly.

Soren could do nothing but sigh. "I guess. But other than that he is healing beautifully. My baby bounced back quick." Soren smiled letting her mind drift off. How she became his own nurse when she had time after or before work.

He had been staying at her house which allowed them to connect in ways they never did before. They started taking baths together regularly. They'd just sit there in each other's presence. Jason would gently wash Sorens hair and she'd fall asleep. Alani and Ty'jere unexpectedly bought a puppy for them to keep Jason company. Soren named the chocolate lab Marley.

He wasn't an animal person but Soren knew it was just an act. She'd come home and see them cuddled in the bed. Marley laying her head on his chest and his arm around her. She'd even take pictures just to tease him about it later.

They had also been more sexual with each other. Though of course he's still healing so they hadn't went all the way. Neither of them complained or brung it up. They knew they wanted it to happen naturally.

With them being more intimate Soren grew less shy. She would ask him could he go down on her without feeling ashamed or embarrassed. It took her some time to get to that point but with the help of Jason it got easier. He always knew when she got in the mood and would laugh when she looked physically frustrated.

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