Chapter Twenty

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Jason raised his eyebrows knowingly

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Jason raised his eyebrows knowingly. "Are you sure?"

Soren nodded her head. She wanted this. She wanted to sex sex with him. She needed to. Jason shook his head slowly at Soren. "I want you to say it mama. I need to know that this is something you're sure you want to do with me." He spoke to her.

Jason knew this was something Soren wanted to do. He could tell by the look in her eyes. The way her body didn't have an ounce of tension, or maybe the way there wasn't any hesitation in her actions. But he couldn't help himself from double checking and Soren knew that. Jason always believed that sharing your body with someone was more important than most people thought.

Sex tends to cloud people, their feelings, thoughts, words, actions, emotions, judgment, loyalty, all of it. It changes things. Whether it was a good or bad it still brung up change. His entire life he was careful with who he shared his body with. Wether that was oral sex or more. With Soren he knew from the beginning she was someone he wanted to be intimate with. He was just patiently waiting for her to be just as sure as him. So he needed to make sure she knew what this meant for them.

"I want this Jason. I want to have sex with you."

In a quick flash Soren was on her back and Jason was hovering on top of her. He began to kiss her all over her body. Her eyes fluttered close when she felt his lips coat her skin ever so gently. Her forehead, down the bridge of her nose, the corner of her lips, under her eyes, her temples, her jaw, down her neck. There wasn't a spot on her that didn't go untouched by him.

This meant everything to him. Acts of service was his love language. He always knew actions was the best way for him to show much he cared or loved. He wanted to show Soren how much he cared and loved for her. How much he will always love and care for her.

He lifted off her to reach in the nightstand drawer to grab a condom. Before he could tear open it with his teeth Soren shook her head and reached up to take it from him. Once he let her take it his brows furrowed. "No I want to feel everything." Soren spoke lowly. His eyebrows rose. But she saw the glint in his eye, he was more than fine with this.

She threw the piece of foil on the ground with the rest of their belongings that indicated the unholy actions that were going on.

Soren saw his hand reach between them most likely to line him up with her. They never broke eye contact with one another. This was intimate and they both didn't want to miss a minute of it. Her stomach squeezed with anticipation until she felt his tip rub against her wet slit. Jason broke eye contact first to look at the minor action that was bringing him so much satisfaction. He couldn't help but groan lowly at how her slick flesh felt against him. It was so much better than he imaged, and he wasn't even in her yet.

Soren on the other hand was in bliss of their contact. She'd seen and touched his dick on many occasions resulting in her knowing exactly what was touching her. From the groove on his tip to the distinct veins that ran down the sides of him. That were now running over her clit.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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