Dave's friends(dave east)

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" baby are you ready to go" dave said walking into the bedroom where I was getting ready. Dave and I have been together for 6 months and today I was meeting his friends and their girlfriends.

" are you sure we have to go" i said really anxious.

" baby it gonna be okay there gonna love you" dave said walking up to me pulling me closer by my waist kissing me on the lips. My anxiety is through the roof I don't do good with big crowds and new people.

" but what if they don't" I said.

" baby just take a deep breath your working your self up let's just go for a little while and if you still want to leave we can and if you want to stay we can stay" dave said moving his hands to my ass and rubbing it up and down pecking me on the lips a few times.

" okay" I say taking a deep breath nodding.

After a 10 minute drive we go to Dave's friend's house. We got out of the car I could hear music and laughter as we reached the front door. Dave held my hand he walked in I walked in behind him.

" yooo" dave said walking into the house.

" yo in the living room" one of Dave's friends said.

We walked into the living room.

" east wussup man" one of Dave's friends said dapping him up.

" shooter what's good" dave said.

" who is this" shooter asked pointing to me.

" this is my girl kacey kacey this his my right hand man shooter" dave said wrapping his arm around my waist.

" hi" i said shyly.

" so this is the kacey he hasn't shut up about you very nice time meet you" shooter said with a smile.

" make your self at home the girl's are in the kitchen and so are they drinks" shooter said. Dave went to sit on the couch I sat in his lap.

" I'm gonna get a drink do you want one" I asked Dave.

" mm yeah can you get me a cup of henny please" dave asked. I nodded he said thank you and pecked my lips.

I got up and walked into the kitchen when I got in there there were a group of girls talking. When they saw me they stopped talking and were staring at me.

" hi I'm ty shooter's girlfriend" one of them said.

" hi I'm kacey" I said.

" oh your Dave's girl" ty said. I nodded.

" oh so your the reason why he doesn't talk to me anymore" one of the girls said.

" Kylie Leave her alone dave wasn't even your man" ty said.

" I didn't come in here to make trouble I just came in here get a drink" I said.

" whatever he's just gonna leave you when he's finished with you" Kylie said. I went to say something else but I was got off by Dave calling me.

" baby" I heard dave calling walking into the kitchen.

" yeah" I said.

" you good in here" he asked. I nodded i went to get our drinks dave came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist putting his head in the crook of my neck.

" you okay" he asked kissing my neck lightly. I nodded. I knew better then to listen to someone who's salty that dave didn't look at her the way he looks at me but I still felt some type of way when she said that to me.

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