Reconnecting (Fezco)

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" come on darc please" maddy was begging me to go to this new year's party.

" mads I don't really want to go" I said.

" please it will be fun and if your not having fun I'll drive you home" maddy said. I thought about it for a second.

" okay fine" I gave in.

" yay get ready we are leaving in 20" maddy said.

20 minutes later I was ready I decided on wearing and over sized grey playing hoodie and grey thigh high boots and for my hair I did space buns.

" damn bitch you look hot" maddy said.

" that's bitch you look hot to" I said.

30 minutes later we arrived at the party.

" I'm gonna go get a drink do you want one" I asked maddy.

" nah I'm gonna pee" maddy said. I nodded. I walked over to the drink table. I heard laughing. I look up and 10 feet in front of me was my ex boyfriend fezco and Lexi Howard having a good old chat I would be lying if I said wasn't jealous. Fezco and I broke up 2 months ago because Lexie was flirting with him in front of me I asked him to tell her to stop but he didn't. He told me there was nothing going on between them which I believed but it still didn't make me any less uncomfortable that some girl was flirting with my man in front of my face.

" can you get us molly babe" maddy asked.

" why I don't want to go over there" I said.

" please boo I don't want to go over there either Lexi is gonna talk my ear off about Cassie" maddy said.

" okay fine how many" I asked.

" 4" maddy said.

" who's the 4th one for" I asked.

" you boo I'm shouting one" maddy said.

" aww thanks honey" I said.

I walked over to fezco and Lexi they stopped talking and looked at me.

" hey Darcy" Lexi said.

" whatever Lexi" i said.

" fez can I please get some molly" I asked.

" yeah how much" he asked.

" 4 please" I said.

" who the 4th for" he asked.

" me" i said.

" nah what I tell you about taking that shit" fez said.

" we are together anymore fez" I said.

" but that doesn't mean I don't still love you and miss you" he said.

" well you have that one to thank for that" I said pointing at Lexi.

" wait how is you fez breaking up my fault" Lexie said.

" oh I don't know maybe that fact that you were always flirting with him in front of my face it made me so uncomfortable and you didn't stop and he didn't tell you to stop be he didn't even know you were flirting with him" I said.

" oh please he knew I was flirting with him I think he just ignored it because you didn't treat the was he should be treated" Lexie said with a bitchy smirk on her face. I saw red the next thing I knew I was on top of Lexie throwing punch after punch.

" yo maddy help me" fez said to maddy trying to pull me off her. He got me off her maddy had a told of Lexie. Both of us were trying to get out of there grips.

" your just like your sister trying to steal people's boyfriends yeah Cassie don't think I know you were just in the bathroom fucking Nate" I yelled. Everyone looked at Cassie.

" wwwhat are you talking about I was peeing" Cassie said. ( I know that no one knew that Nate and Cassie were hooking up at this point but just for that sake of the imagine pretend this how maddy found out)

" what the fuck" maddy said now angry. " it that true" maddy said. Cassie ran to the bathroom maddy ran after her. Everyone so focused on Cassie and maddy that they forgot about me and Lexie. I wasn't done yet I got out of Fezco's grip and went at Lexie I threw a couple more punches before fez and mkay pulled us apart.

" calm down baby" fez whispered in my ear.

" get off me" I said getting out of his grip walking out side. I saw jewels walking over to me.

" hey darc have you seen rue" she asked.

" no but after I heard what you did you don't deserve her" I said walking off.

A few moments later I felt someone sit next to me I looked up it was fez.

" you okay" he asked passing me the blunt.

" why do you care" I asked still heated.

" we may not be together but I still love and care about you if it was my choice I'd already have you back" fez said.

" why didn't you fight for me you just let me walk out that night" i said now crying.

" because I didn't know what to do I was in shock I couldn't believe what had just happen never in a million years did I think we'd break up" fez said with tears in his eyes. " I fucking love you I want you and only you I don't give a fuck about Lexie your the love of my life I miss you like crazy I didn't take our break up very well this is the first time I've left the house since that night" fez said.

" I miss you so much and see another girl flirt with you made me so mad and jealous the only thing going through my head at the time was to break up with you " I said said now balling my eyes out. Fez wiped my tears away he held my face. We both lent in our lip met. Fireworks exploded in my stomach I missed my man. A few minutes later we pulled away.

" I love you" fez said.

" I love you to" I said.

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