Weed pt.2 (fezco)

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" Harlow let's go get up" my dad came in my room for the 5th time in half an hour to wake me up.

" daddy it's 5:30 am no" I said try to go back to sleep.

" Harlow up now" my dad said pulling the blanket off me. I decided to just get up.

" ugh fine I'm up" I said getting up.

An hour later and we were at the store.

" Harlow" my dad said.

" yes father" I said.

" customers can you do the register while I unload this delivery" my dad said. I nodded.

" oh hey hun you work here now" I heard someone say i looked up it was maddy.

" hey mads no I court smoking weed now I'm grounded for a week and have to help here" I said.

" damn I would of thought your dad would be okay with you smoking" maddy said.

" not until I'm 16" I said ringing up her purchases.

" that's fair enough" maddy said. I nodded.

" $4.30" I said she handed me $5.

" keep the change cya at school" maddy said walking off. Maddy and I are 3 years a part by we are good friends.

A couple hours go bye rue and gia came in.

" Harlow I've been trying to call you all day" gia said.

" hey sorry I've been here what's up" I said.

" me and gabby are going to the mall do you want to come" gia said.

" daddy please can I go" I asked looking at dad who was sitting on a chair by the door.

" no can do baby girl your grounded" my dad said.

" but daddy" I said.

" Harlow I said no" my dad said. Rolled my eyes. " roll em again and I'll add another week" my dad said.

" I can't I'm grounded" I said rolling my eyes.

" you grounded for 2 weeks" my dad said.

" and drop that attitude" ashtray said.

" whatever" I said walking out of the store.

" I'm sorry you can't come with us that sucks" gia said.

" it's okay it's not your fault" I said.

" I'll cya at school on Monday" gia said giving me a hug.

Finally the end of the day came it was closing time for the store. When we got home I went straight to my room.

" dinners ready baby" my dad said leaning on the door frame of my bedroom door.

" I'm not hungry" I said still sulking from before.

" I know your not still sulking because I didn't let you go to the mall" my dad said. I didn't say anything. " okay Harlow you can sulk all you want I'm not taking that extra week off I don't you not to roll your eyes again but you did and as for the mall I don't know why you asked" my dad said.

" whatever" I said rolling over in my bed facing away from my dad.

" dinners on the stove when you want it come talk to me when you've dropped you attitude" my dad said walking away. For the rest of the night I stayed in my room and didn't talk to anyone.

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