Family dinner (jax teller)

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I'm on my way to my grandmas house for a family dinner jax is going to meet me there because he's on his way back from a run. He's been gone for about a week and to say I miss his is an understatement.

About 10 minutes later I arrived at my grandmas my parents were already here and so was my youngest brother and his girlfriend.

" hellooo your favourite grandchild is here" I sang as I walked through the front door.

" hello my darling how are you" my grandma asked.

" I'm good grandma how are you" I asked.

" I'm good no jax tonight" my grandma asked.

" yeah he's on his way back from a run" I said my family knows that jax is the president of sons of anarchy and honestly they don't care as long as he's treating me right that's all that matters.

" where's everyone else" I asked.

" your brother is on his way and so are your auntie and uncle and cousin's" my grandma said. I nodded.

" hey mum and dad" I said.

" hey kace" they said back.

After 30 minutes or so my older brother and his girlfriend and my auntie and uncle and cousins walked in.

" hello everyone" my auntie said waving.

" hey" we all said back.

" no jax " my uncle asked.

" yeah he's on his way back from a run he should be here soon" I said. He nodded.

After about 20 minutes of everyone chatting I heard jax's bike from down the street.

" jax's is here" I said getting up to meet him outside.

When I got outside there were more then one bike.

" hey babe" jax said getting off his bike grabbing my waist with a smile and kissing me I kissed him back.

" hey handsome" I said.

" I hope you don't mind but I bought some company for dinner" jax said. Standing behind him was tig, Bobby, chibs and happy they all waved at me.

" hi boys I don't mind but I don't know if there's enough food for everyone I'll go asked grandma" I said. I walked towards the door pulling jax behind me.

" I hope your not mad at me" jax with a smile stopping me at the door I lent up again the wall jax and one hand on the wall next to my head and other on my waist.

" no I'm not mad" I said.

" mm good because I missed you" jax said leaning in kissing me next thing I knew we were making out and jax picked me up from under my thighs. " you think we got time for a quicky" jax said breaking the kiss with a smirk.

" jax no wait until we get home" i giggled.

" it was worth a shot" jax said laughing a little bit. We walked inside everyone said hi to jax I walked over to my grandma who was in the kitchen.

" hey grandma is there enough food for 4 more people" I asked.

" yeah of course who is it" my grandma asked.

" chibs, tig, Bobby and happy" I said.

" of course they can come in" my grandma said.

" thank you grandma" jax said walking out to get them. I sat back down at the table.

" where's jax going kace" my mum asked.

" he invited chibs, tig, Bobby and hap for dinner I told them to wait outside while I asked grandma if it was okay so he's going to get them now" i said. My mum nodded. They came back in and sat down we had dinner and a chat.

Now jax, chibs, Bobby, tig, happy and I were out the back have a cigarette jax was sitting on the first step I was sitting on the second step between his legs every one else was just standing.

" thank you for letting us stay for dinner kace it was really good to have a home cooked meal" chibs said.

" it's all good chibs I'm glad you enjoyed it" I said. " so how was your run" I asked they guys.

" you know the rules of the run babe what happens on a run stays on run" jax said laughing a little bit.

" I know but I didn't ask what happened I asked how was it" I said giggling.

" it was tiring sweetheart" tig said. I nodded.

We went back inside.

" I think it's time we head off thank you for dinner grandma it was amazing" Bobby said.

" yes thank you for having us and for dinner" chibs said giving my grandma a hug.

" thank you for dinner grandma" tig and happy said give her a hug.

" your very welcome boys you know your welcome any time" My grandma said. We said goodbye to them and they drove off. Jax and I sat and talked with my family a little bit longer then decided it was time for us to go we said bye to everyone.

" I'll see you at home be safe I love you" jax said giving me a kiss on the lips.

" you be safe well I love you to" I said getting in my car and drove off.

A short car ride later and I was home i beat jax home I decided to have a shower.

" babe" I heard jax yell.

" I'm in the shower" I yelled back. A few minutes later jax was standing against the door frame with a smirk he stripped off and joined me in the shower I turned around so my back was facing him. Jax went put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him.

" I missed you" jax said kissing my neck.

" mm I missed you to" I said moaning a little bit. I felt one of jax's hands move down to my woman hood he started rubbing his finger up and down my flaps.

" jax" i moaned as he started rubbing my throbbing pearl. He started going faster. " I'm gonna cum" i moaned.

" cum baby" was all he had to say I released all over his fingers he licked them clean. Jax turned me around so my back was against the wall we started making out he lifted me up under my thighs without warning he slammed into.

" fuckkkk jax" i moaned.

" shit I missed your moans" jax groaned moving in and out of me. " shit kacey you so wet and tight" jax groaned thrusting in and out faster hitting my spot with every thrust.

" ahhh right there right there I'm gonna cum jax" I screamed enjoying every moment of it.

" shit kacey me to cum on this dick" jax moan I came all over his dick. His thrust got sloppy.

" shit" jax moaned as he released inside of me and pulling out.

" I love you" jax said with a smile leaning his head against mine catching his breath.

" I love you to" I said catching my breath kissing him.

" round 2 in the bed" jax said putting me down I giggled and nodded walking out of the shower.

The rest of the night consisted of us making love until the early hours of the morning.

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