Baby time ( melo ball)

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I was tossing and turning in bed it was currently 11pm and I couldn't sleep because of contractions. I'm 28 weeks pregnant with my boyfriend of 3 year melo's baby. I have 2 weeks left until my due date but baby girl is deciding she wants to come early. I got up and waddled to the living room where melo is playing games.

" melo" I said in pain. He paused his game.

" what's wrong baby" melo asked pulling me into his lap. " are you having contractions" he asked rubbing my belly.

" yeah there not extremely painful but they still hurt" I said.

" do you want to go to the hospital" melo asked.

" not yet my contractions are to far apart and water hasn't broken" I said.

" okay do you wonna lay here with me or go back to bed" melo asked.

" lay here with you can you keep rubbing my belly it feels really good" i said getting comfy we laid on the couch spooning melo was behind me.

A couple hours later I woke up with really bad contractions. I looked around we were still on couch I got up to get a glass off water. As I stood up I felt liquid run down my leg.

" ah melo wake up" I said shaking.

" hm what's wrong baby" melo said half asleep.

" shittt melo my water broke" I said as another contraction came this was painful. Melo jumped up from the couch.

" Um okay I'll get the bag and put some clothes on you put some pants on" melo said rushing around.

20 minutes later we were on the way to the hospital.

" ah ah ah melo I can't do this it fucking hurts" I said having another contraction.

" it's okay baby I know your in pain but take deep breath's" melo said rubbing my belly with one hand and driving with the other one.

20 minutes later we were at the hospital.

" okay miss tori Kay you are 10 centimetres dilated it's time to push" dr Faye said.

" melo" I said.

" I'm right here baby" melo said sitting next to me grabbing my hand.

" on 3 ready 1,2,3 push" dr Faye said.

" ah ah no I can't it hurts" I said pushing.

" yes you can baby you got this" melo said kissing my hand.

An hour later our beautiful daughter kaila tori ball was born.

" she's beautiful tori you did an amazing job" melo said laying next to me on bed.

" I love you" I said to melo.

" I love you to baby" melo said kiss me on the lips.

" you know why our baby is so cute" melo said.

" why baby" I asked.

" because she looks just like her daddy" melo said with a goofy smile.

" sure" I said laughing. " but she does look just like her daddy" I said looking at kaila.

" you look tired baby I've got kaila you get some" melo said as I handed kaila to him and dozed off to sleep.

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