Birthday dinner (chris brown)

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" baby are you almost ready your gonna be late to your own birthday dinner" Reece said walking into our bedroom. Tonight I'm celebrating my 22nd birthday with both sides of the family.

" yeah I'm ready" i said.

" mm damn baby you look fine maybe we could be a little late" Reece said bitting his lip and grabbing my waist. I decided on wearing a black cropped t shirt with a pair on white high waisted skinny jeans and a pair of docs.

" Reece" I giggled as he was kissing my neck and now rubbing my booty.

" let me just put the tip in" Reece said putting his hands down my pants playing with my pearl.

" wwe have to leave in 15 minutes" i moaned as he was rubbing faster.

" all I need is 10" he said kissing me and laying me down on the bed.

20 minutes later we were finally on the way to the restaurant.

"22 huh" Reece said bringing my hand up to his lips kissing it. " I remember when I turned 22 I was partying all most every weekend" Reece said laughing a little bit. Reece and I have an 11 year age gap we met when I was 18 but never did anything until I turned 20 and we've been together since then.

" I'm not much of a party person I'd rather stay at home cuddling in bed watching tv" I said.

" I know I have to beg you to come out" Reece said laughing. After 10 minutes we had arrived at the restaurant. I went to get out of the car but was stopped by Reece.

" hang on baby I know it's not your birthday yet but this I'm one of many gift I have for you" Reece pulling out a blue box. I opened it it was a beautiful rose gold necklace with a k and r on it on the back it has the date of when Reece and I started dating.

" omg Reece" I said looking up at him.

" do you like it" he asked.

" like it I love it it's beautiful thank you baby I love you" I said leaning over kissing him.

" I'm glad you like it I love you too" he said with a smile.

We were walking into the restaurant my older brother and his girlfriend were there and so was my uncle and auntie and cousins on my dad's side.

" hey guys" I said sitting down at the table.

" hello happy birthday" my auntie said handing me a card. I opened it and there was gift voucher in it.

" thank you guys" I said.

" do you want a drink baby" Reece asked.

" yes please a Long Island iced tea" i said handing him my card. He laughed a little bit.

" you know my rule baby whenever your with me you can get whatever you want I'm paying" Reece putting my card away.

" Reece thank you but I have my own money" I said.

" kace you my girl I want to spoil you especially tonight so whatever you want I'm paying for it" Reece said.

" okay thank you" I said pecking him on the lips a few then we went and got our drinks.

" how's everything going with the salon" my uncle asked me. I own a beauty salon.Waxing,hair,makeup and nails. I've owned it since I was 18 I had been saving all kinds of money I'd get and I was putting money away each week from my part time job.

" it's going good I hired a young girl she's about 18 a couple of months ago and I'm pretty sure she's stealing from me" I said to my uncle. Reece came back with the drinks.

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