Fun town (jax teller)

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(In this imagine your jax's daughter)

I was walking to the club house from school with my 2 best friends Corey and riah.

" Ryder I hope your dad lets you come to the carnival tonight" Corey said. Tonight is the town's Carnival fun town.

" me too" riah said.

" I'll ask him when I get to tm" I said. Both of the girls nodded. " I'll call ya soon bye" I said to them as we all went our separate ways.

About 10 minutes later I was at tm. I noticed none of the bikes were in the lot so I walked straight into the tm office.

" hey grandma" I said to my grandma who was sitting at the desk going through paper work.

" hey baby how was school" my grandma said looking up from the paper work.

" it was good where's dad and grandpa clay and everyone els" I asked sitting down.

" club business honey what's up is there something I can help with" she asked.

" I just gotta ask dad a question" I said. She nodded.

About 5 minutes later I saw the bikes drive into the lot. I waited for the to park then walked over to them.

" hey daddy" I said walking up to my dad.

" hey ry how was school" he asked.

" it was good" i said as we were walking into the club house. " so you know how fun town is tonight" I asked.

" yeah I do" he said sitting down at the bar.

" can I pretty please go" i asked.

" I dunno baby have you done your homework" he asked.

" yes I have it all finished even the homework I got yesterday" I said.

" come on jax let her go she's gonna be fine we'll be there" my grandpa clay said putting his arm around my shoulders kissing me on the forehead.

" alright you can go you deserve a night out" my dad said.

" yay thank you daddy" I said with a big smile hugging him. " I gonna go get ready" I said walking into the dorm room in the clubhouse. My dad and I are living in the club house at the moment because he and my mum are going through a divorce and I wanted to stay with my dad because my mum has had problems with drugs in the past. I texted riah and Corey to them I can go to fun town and to meet there in 20 minutes.

10 minutes later I was ready I decided to wear grey leggings with black and whit tube socks pulled over the bottom on my leggings a pair of black and white vans and one of my dads samcro shirts.

" okay I m ready who's taking me" I asked walking over to the bar.

" you either ride with me on the bike or with grandma in her car" my dad said.

" I'll take a ride with grandma" I said. My dad nodded.

About 10 minutes later we were at fun town.

" I'm gonna go find riah and Corey" I said to my dad and grandparents.

" wait a minute ry here take this have fun and be safe I love you" my dad said handing me $50 and kissing me on the head.

" thank you dad I love you to" I said as I went to walk off.

" wait ry here take an extra $20 keep out of trouble call any of use if there's trouble" my grandpa clay said hanging me $20. I said thank you and went to find the girls.

About 10 minutes later I found Corey and riah by the arcade. We played heaps of games went on a couple rides and ate some food.

" Ryder" I heard my grandma yell.

" yeah grandma" I said walking over to her.

" Tristan oswalled is missing have you seen her" my grandma asked.

" no the last I saw was before I went to find the girls" I said.

" okay if you see her let me know" my grandma said.

" okay grandma will do" I said walking back over to the girls.

" what did you grandma want" Corey asked.

" Tristan oswalled is missing she was just asking I've seen her"I said they nodded. 10 minutes later Corey and riah wanted to go on a ride but I didn't want to do I stayed while they went on.

I could hear what sounded like crying in the woods behind the ride. I went and had a look it was Tristan I went to call my grandma but before I could I was hit on the back of the head and everything went black.

I woke up to a white room and I could hear beeping I looked around I was in the hospital. The door opened it was my dad.

" daddy what happened" I said crying.

" your okay baby" he said walking over to me sitting on the bed cuddling me. " do you remember anything" he asked.

" I remember hearing crying in the woods so went to look and it was Tristan I went to call you or grandma but I was hit the head then I woke up here is Tristan okay" I asked. " was she" I stared to asked but dad answered before I could finish.

" yes she was" he said.

" was I" I asked.

" no you weren't you have a concussion and a few cuts and bruises" my dad said. I sighed in relief. My dad had club business and to leave.

20 minutes hale walked in.

" how are you feeling Ryder" he asked me.

" I'm okay just a bit sore" I said.

" I just have a few questions" he said. I nodded but before he said anything grandpa clay walked in with uncle tig behind him.

" what the hell is this hale my grand baby needs her rest" grandpa clay said.

" I'm trying to do my job a figure out who did this" hale said.

" grandpa it's fine" I said.

" okay I'll be right outside if you need anything" he said. I nodded.

" why don't we start with what happened" hale said.

" my friends wanted to go on a ride but I didn't so I stayed behind I could hear crying behind the ride in the woods so I went a looked and it was Tristan then I felt something hit me and I woke up here" I said.

" you don't remember anything else" hale asked.

" no" I shook my head.

" okay call me if you remember anything" hale said walking out of my room.

Grandpa clay and uncle tig walked in my room.

" how are you feeling baby" grandpa clay asked sitting on the bed next to me.

" I feel okay just sore how's Tristan" I asked.

" she's okay" grandpa clay said.

" I know you don't remember much baby" uncle tig started to say but I cut him off.

" it was clown" i said. They both nodded and kissed me on the forehead and walked out of the room.

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