Chapter 1

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Song: Mountain Sound by Monster and Men

{5 years later}

'My life was in ruins. My father's gone, replaced by another. My mother doesn't love me. I was a mistake. You never notice me. I am the person you hate.'

Sighing softly, I pushed the small send icon and waited until the spinning wheel thingy stopped. Maybe I shouldn't do this. My mind raced at the silent whisper once again. How else do you share you're story without anybody knowing its you?

Just moments after it uploaded on my school's social account, my computer started dinging. The reminders of comments people have posted on my status.

-Who are you?

-I'm tots curious!! Tell us who you are!!

-It's alright, everything will work out! Just believe!:)

-Ugh, will you stop with all this depressing mumbo jumbo? You sound pathetic.

-Why don't you just shut up?!

-Make me, loser!

The comments continued on. Some about how lame my Life.Is.A.Curse. account was. Others defending me online and encouraging me to never give up on my life. Each comment made me want to cry.

In freshman year I heard of this website once I entered the school. Fear gripped me once I found out that your first name, or last name if there is a very common name, is your username. Before I could expose it was me, I hacked into the system ,which was poorly guarded, and changed my info and username so nobody could find out. Then, I created an account with my real first name so no one would ever suspect it was me.

For 3 years now, I was still unknown. The teachers gave up half way through last year. With no lead or evidence that pointed to anybody, they couldn't do anything. For that, I was thankful. I didn't want to get anyone involved, didn't want to get attached before...

This has become my public diary. This website, this account is what keeps me grounded. I could share my opinions with the school without being glared at or bullied like I would in real life. I could become the me I hid, the me that wanted to come out. But, my fear shoved away that person.

Shoving my fake glasses ( Please don't judge, it helps me) further onto my head, I noticed the mail icon flashing with 1 new messsage. Moving the cursor to the icon, I clicked once to open up my long list of conversations.

Each conversation was a classmate asking who I was, or them telling me to give up , or just to say hi. Mouse hovering, I searched for the blinking convo that flashed on the top of my recent messages. Biting my full lips gently, I hesitated.


Who was that? Was he new?

Shoving my hesitation back, I quickly clicked on his name before I could chicken out. The 5 words that were sitting there at the top of the screen in a speech bubble made my heart skip a beat.

Tell me who you are.

The words kept replaying slowly through my head, my heart beat racing. My hands coming up to play with my wavy, waist length chestnut hair.

I stayed there for what seemed like hours, the convo still open while I just sat there and tried to distract myself. My mind scteamrd at me for being foolish, it was like any other comment. But this time . .   It felt different.

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