Chapter 13

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"I can't."

"You can."

"I won't."

"You will."

Emberly laughed, punching my shoulder. The strap of her crimson red color slipped from her bare shoulder, my hand quickly lashing out to fix it. 

"I can fix my own clothing!"

"But you didn't do it fast enough,"I quirked an eyebrow, chuckling when she rolled her eyes. 


That small moment took my mind off of what was happening. Pressure and nerves caused my insides to tense and flip over and over again, the motions not helping my upset stomach.

"Hey, I'm not feeling very well, how about I just go in through the front doors like everybo-"

"No," she glared, her hands on my shoulders. " You are not like everybody else. You are going down that staircase, no buts about it!"

The mention of what was going on only dampened my mood, my chest heaving up and down. A blue corset pressed tightly to my chest, causing me to pant harder then usual.

"N . . . No. It's your party, should be the only one going down the staircase," I stuttered out, trying hard not to bend over again.

My eyes stared at the end of Emberly's crimson dress, the material layered on the ends that brushed against her knees. A strapless dress somehow stayed up on her body, the top of it laced with black designs.

Each time I tried to place my head between my knees, the torture device on my torso crushed my chest, keeping me upright.

"It's my birthday, so what? My close friends should also have a reason to feel special," she pulled me up from my place leaning against the wall. "Its a thank you for being beside me all this time. And don't pass it up, this will be the only time I'll ever do this."

I smiled slightly, knowing what she said was true. My hand came out, trembling,  and took both of hers in mine.

"Happy 17th Birthday, you old meanie," I smiled, squeezing her hands.

Even though she tried hard to hid it, I knew that she was touched. Her cheeks, which usually had a soft pink color to them, was a shade darker. Deep emotions swirled in the depths of her bright, hazel green eyes.

"Oh shut up. Don't do all that crap like you do with your boyfriend," she barked out, pulling back her hands. "I'm not into that stuff."

"I know you aren't, " I replied, brushing a stray lock of blond curls behind her ear. "But I am."

The small action was met by an exaggerated eye roll, her hands swatting mine away to fix her pulled back pony tail on her own. A mixture of auburn red hair collided alongside her curled blond strands, both of them tumbling down just below her shoulder blades.

"And I can fix my own hair, thank you very much."

"But you're just too slow," I giggled, groaning as she have my gut a hard punch.

"And you're too cheesy," she taunted, helping me up to a standing positon.

My grin only grew.

"Admit it, you love my cheesiness!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"



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