Chapter 2

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Song: Turn Around by Connor Maynard


"The year was 1676," Mr. Wallis walked up slowly from the back of the classroom. He searched around the room as he tried to get a reaction of realization from us. "Jamestown, Virginia. Does anybody remember what we discussed last Friday about this place?"

Silently, we watched as he leaned back on his desk. His dark brown hair groomed carefully back from his face. Mr.Wallis was one of the youngest teachers teaching at Berandio High. Turning 25 just last month, he was the center of attention for every girl at school. Great body, good sense of humor, amazing smile.

Ok, he was the ideal man that every girl wanted. I mean, he actually had brains! Yippie!

Sadly, he just go married last  June to a beautiful and lovely lady that also worked at another high school just a few miles away. I was happy for them, I never really felt that way toward my teacher.  Yes, he was very good looking,  but he was also a very great teacher. That's what mattered the most.

"Nobody? Seriously? Wake up!"

He shouted slightly and clapped his hands loudly for affect. A light smile lit up his face as he watched some kids jump from the sudden noise. Giggles erupted from many of the girls around the room. Being me, I just smiled kindly.

"Great. Now that we're all awake, can anyone tell me what I am trying to explain," he crossed his arms.

Tyler,  a very funny yet annoying know-it-all, raised his hand quickly. His hand waved wildly, trying to capture his attention. A few of his friends chuckled as he started to jump up from his postion in the back of the class.

"Anybody? "

"Mr.Wallis, I would love to have the pleasure to-..."

"Anybody other then Tyler over there."

Some of  us giggled as Tyler just slapped his desk in annoyance. Each day this  would happen, Tyler being a comedian and trying hard to get more popularity from his comments  in the middle of class.

"I object!"

He quirked an eyebrow.

"Oh really? Explain what I am saying."

"Bacon. You're talking about Bacon!"

The random statement sent all of us laughing, Daniel and Gavin,  his two closet friends in the class, both gave him high fives. The girls tried hard to fit in, disguising their laughter with a high pitched hyena noise, which of course made me laugh.

"Actually, you are partially correct, Mr.Ford," he chuckled. "Do you know the actual name for it?"

"Bacon and Eggs!"

"Bacon fondue!"

"Eww, that's disgusting Luca!"

"What," he shrugged and leaned back. "Don't dis until you try it."

"OK childern, settle down. No, no, and Emily, hush!"

"But Mr.Wallis-"

Taking one of his small  foam footballs, he threw it at her , causing her to shriek and block it. Some of the others lunged for the ball, laughter filling the class room.

"I said shush Child! "

Emily, trying hard not to show she was amused, hid behind her short hair that now covered her face.

"Ok, ok. Now back to business. Yes, the word Bacon is involved, but what is the true  name of it?"

When no one else tried to answer, I slowly raised my hand. I didn't like the attention it gave me, but if I didn't,  we'd be left after class for a few moments so everyone would understand and remember what the topic was.

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