Chapter 9

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Song:  Nothing on You by Bruno Mars and B.O.B


The pictures kept flashing around my mind, the unfamiliar memories causing me to freeze mid stroke. The wooden handle in my hands felt hollow and cold, the only that kept me from getting lost inside myself. 

Flash after flash of the same scene continued to play, the ending not showing me the most important part. All I could see was her hair, wild and long, hands outstretched as she faced toward the vibrant sun. 

I felt like I was there, beside her. The heat from the sun beating against my skin, sweat causing my shirt to cling to my torso. I could almost hear her voice, her laughter . . . Please, just look back. Look at me!

"Brandon," Alexandra opened the door slightly, peeking inside. 

On instinct, I dropped the brush and took the canvas, placing it out of her sight. My hands, covered in paint of various colors,  was tucked deep in my pockets, hidden from her. 

"Um yeah?"

Instead of poking and prodding into my business, she just smiled, slightly stepping into my room. I knew she wouldn't invade my privacy, Alexandra in't the one to do anything that'd push someones limits. 

"Alpha Chad would like to speak with you down in living room."

Nodding, I got up to wash my hands when I noticed her eyes drift towards before coming back up to meet mine. 

"He also requests that you put on something nice," she adds. 

"Thank you mother, I'll be right down."

Her eyes slightly lit up with care  before she had closed the door, giving me space to get ready. i hated keeping the fact I had found my mate from my parents, the ones who had accepted me into their family and treated me like their own. But the timing . . . it's not right.

 Grabbing a blue shirt from my closet along with some black jeans, I quickly placed them on, fixing my hair. Before I walked down the stairs, I glanced back towards my room, the paintings image still fresh on my mind. Shaking it off, I quickly made my towards the living room. 

"Brandon, my boy, you've made it."

The gruff voice beckoned me further into the room once I was spotted by him. Unable to resist his command, I stepped into the room, my hands still tucked into my pockets.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Ah yes," he nodded, eyes blazing with determination. "We have an issue to discuss with you. Please, sit down."

Sitting down on the brown couch he gestured too, I couldn't help but stare at the ground. Meeting with the Alpha 2 times in a row in one day was very uncommon, the ordeal worrying me. 

"Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing wrong primarily, it's more of an issue you can only resolve."

I . . . can only resolve? 

"Sir, what doe-"

"Brandon," he interrupted. " We need you to find a mate. Now."

The words caused me to heat up, my wolf wanting to tell everybody we already have a mate. but we can't. We just . . . no.

"A mate? What for," I hoped my voice didn't squeak. 

"Well you do know that most alphas hand down their position by the coming of age, which is 18."

I nodded. 

"But in our case, we're passing the title of alpha down to you in about 2 months, when you're 16. Knowing this, many of the pack members still believe you aren't ready just yet for all this responsibility alone."

Chad made is way to the large book shelf near the corner of the room, his hands grasping onto something small. He stood there for a few moments before turning back around and walking toward where I sat. 

"We've taken an anonymous vote and what won is that you choose a mate out of what I've thought would work great along side you. These woman are your age and are very smart, intelligent, and beautiful."

He pulled out the hand that wasn't covered in paint and shoved a small state in it. Looking at it, I've realized it's the mate statute with the 2 in wolf form.

"Wait, you can't be serious. Excuse me alpha for my rude behavior, but what happened to waiting for your true ma-"

"Ladies, would you please step in here" he called out.

I stood up, glaring with all the hatred I have to muster at the alpha as at least 5 girls come walking in. Each of them weren't from my pack, their scents new to me. eyes flickering over them, i noticed that each one of them was blond, short, and had blue eyes. I don't know why, but i thought I saw someone similar to these descriptions somewhere . . .

"Each of these lovely girls come from the Night Watch Pack, a great ally of ours," Chad explained, coming around to stand beside the shortest one at the end of the line.

My eyes went from face to face, noticing all the caked on makeup, all the fake smiles. Each of them had the same glint in their eyes, something that didn't quite rub me the same way.

"From right to left, this is Nemesis."

She bats her eyelashes and smiles wider as my attention was directed towards her. 

". . .Livia and Ashtyn . . ."

Both of the girls slightly bent down in a ashow of respect, each of them had short pixie hair. 

" . . . And then there is Lucy and Mabyn."

The 2 last girls, who just smiled and waved, seemed to be twins.The only difference between them wear their dresses, where each white but with different designs. But now that i looked at everyone, each one of them wore different white dresses.

My eyes lingered on each one, trying to see if their was anything real about them, but all I saw were shells of a real person.

"Alpha, I'm sorry for my rudeness, but I'm gonna have to say no."

Each girl let out a fake gasp, the high pitched sounds making me want to roll my eyes. 

"No is not an option, Brandon."

I could see him trying to keep the menacing growl out of his tone, his eyes speaking what he truly felt. And that was what I noticed from behind his left shoulder. 

A painting of Chad and his Luna and mate, Seraphina, from before she died. His dark black hair was longer, an actual smile on his face. He was behind her, holding her by her waist as she laughed and smiled at the camera. 

What shocked me was her appearance She was a small girl in general, with bright blond, short hair and blue eyes. That's when I noticed what he was trying to do, force me into a marriage with a girl tat resembled his old mate, someone who was amazing at her job. I don't think I could say the same  about anyone of these girls. 

"No is a option in my book, since it's my life, and my wife that would be spending the rest of my years with. I won't let you choose my life and I defintaly won't let you decide the rules" I growled out. 

Not waiting for his response, I ran up to my room, shutting it behind me. Switching on the lights, I settled down on my bed, my head in my hands. 

This was crazy, everything is crazy!

Looking up, my eyes were drawn the the almost finished painting of the girl from my visions, my mind reeling for wanting to know just who the hell she is.

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