Chapter 8

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Song: Good Time by Owl City and Carly Rae Jepsen


The cold air brushed against my face and bare legs. My heart was beating fast at the thought of a date, of going out with someone.

My hand clutching my small, white purse that father had given when I was 11 was the only thing keeping me grounded at the moment. An oak tree that was large and beautiful at this time of the year was pressed against my back.

Something soft and light brushed up against my knees, my eyes quickly looking down to find the black skirt that was hung perfectly around my waist clinging to them. I stared down at my outfit, remembering the struggle of picking it out.

The white blouse clung to most my torso, the top of the shirt slightly showing my cleavage. Something I hated, since they were always huge. The small black jacket that hugged up shoulders were pulled closer so I could cover most the exposed skin.

I couldn't help but glance back at the end of the street, worried that mother might come back while I was gone. But I knew it was unlikely, due to the fact she doesn't come home around 7:30. Gaze still focused on the road, I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

The full moon from the past 3 days had disappeared, replaced by a new moon that still illuminated the sky. Now that it was gone, I could finally think clearly.

My mind's been focused on an outrageous dream ever since there's been a full moon. The wolf's eyes popped into my head, the sight making my heart skip a beat.

Hearing a snap of a twig from behind me, I half expected to find the wolf again. It's bright eyes watching my every move, teeth showing incase I decided to do anything to upset it.

Turning around slowly, I was faced with a bouquet of flowers shoved into my face. Surprised, I leaped back slightly, my hand over my racing heart.

"I'm sorry, were you waiting long?"

Alex peeked out from behind the dozens of flowers, his hair actually combed for once. A easy going smile along with it. Once he moved so I could see him, I couldn't help but laugh.

He worn black jeans with a white button up shirt. Around his neck was a black tie that stopped mid way down his stomach.

"Aren't you fancy," I murmured out, glancing at my under dressed attire.

Instead of assuring me, he just laughed. His bright green eyes lit up with amusement. Seeing him like that, I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm happy to admit I actually beat a girl at fashion," he grabbed my hand, leading me toward the direction of the forest which was about a 10 minute walk.

Glancing up, I gave him an uncomfortable grin once I realized his eyes were on me. The way he walked around each and every bump and twist made it seem like he's been this way before, my surprise causing me to look away.

"I'm not a normal girl though, I wouldn't feel that accomplished."

"Normal is something you'll never be, " he whispered, my ears picking up the sentence.


"Ok," he stopped, turning to face me with a mischievous smile. "I'm gonna have to blind fold you."

The idea scared me, my body automatically reacted by trying to pull my hand from his grip. his fingers caught mine and pulled me closer to him then I was before, his eyes now serious as he looked down at me.

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