Chapter 4

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Song: Jealous by Nick Jonas


"Come on, one kiss. Please," I heard Alex plead.

"I...I don't know," the soft voice whispered.

The response made me want to lash out at him. No! Don't say yes!

Ear close to the door, I listened intently on their conversation.

For the first time, the group had finally invited Kirsten Over to hang out or do homework, I don't know. To tell it bluntly,  I was not invited.

"I. . . Haven't had any experience in this," she replied once more.

"You don't need experience love, let me lead you."

"But what if. . . "

"Shhh," I could picture him place a finger over her lips to silence her. " Please,  I need this. I need this one memento to remember you by."

Wait . . . What was going on?

"No, don't say that! Please, please don't say it," Kirsten replied, her voice cracking. "You'll come back to me, you promised me."

Alex sighed, the soft thump of a cushion meaning he had sat down. His voice when he spoke was one of someone broken, but it was also passionate.

"Love, you know I can not promise that.There's no telling what will happen. I'm begging you love,  let me show you I love you once before I might never get to show you."

At those words, I slowly opened the door and peered down by the railing. My hands gripping to it so tight that my knuckles turned white. I had to bite my tongue before I could lash out at him.

"Yes, a millions times yes," Kirsten sat down beside him and he took her hands in his. "I love you so much. "

Alex gulped physically, his eyes locked on hers as he seemed to lean in. Kirsten slowly did the same, her hand coming up to rest on his cheek.

No one else seemed to be in sight to see this. Where were they? Weren't they gonna stop this?!

"I love you too, la mia bellezza, never forget this," he whispered, my wolf hearing picking up to interpret what he was saying.

They continued to lean closer until there lips seemed to be a few centimeters apart. My feet quickly yet silently started to carry me down the staircase, my eyes never leaving them.

"Oh Nathan, " Kirsten sighed and slowly closed her eyes,  tilting her head. She was so beautiful. . .

Wait a Minute . . . Nathan?

"Ok, that's a wrap," a voice called out, clapping starting to fill the room. "That was great guys!"

The whole group came out from under the roof where I couldn't have seen them from my angle up top. Large grins and smiles were on their faces as they made their way to the two, now standing and hugging.

Kirsten sighed, a nervous smile showing. Her eyes darted from each person to see their reaction, not noticing that I was half way down the stairs.  She seemed so beautiful,  her large eyes glowing.

"I . . . Did ok? It was my first time acting."

"You're a natural!  I didn't know you could do that," Alex replied, hugging her once more. "You should audition for the role of Natasha, you'll probably make it in."

Erin,  the bitch, just tilted her head towards my direction and smirked. Her eyes never left mine as she challenged me with them, seeing if I'll come down and confront her.

Taking a few steps back, I made my way over to my bedroom door. The tension left my shoulders once I heard the door shut.

Growling,  I leaned my head against the door, my hands balled up in a fist. Breathing heavily,  I could feel my beast wanting to be unleashed, wanting to go down and take her away. Touch her like he was, kiss her like he was going to.



Once I was done helping Alex rehearse his lines, we all lounged on the couches. Our backpacks were laying on the floor, papers and pencils in our laps.

We were doing homework, much to the groups consent, since they had let me choose. After a few moments of stuttering,  I blurted the first thing that came to mind. And it seemed to be homework.

The sounds of pencils gliding across the paper seemed to relax my once tense shoulders. Slight curses getting whispered our as some would make mistakes.

21 minutes later, I had finished most of my homework. But I saved the last page, it would have to wait until I could ask my teacher a question about it.

Eyes starting to wonder, I studied picture to picture. Portraits of wolves howling, some running in forests came in from time  to tine. Memories of camping, birthday parties, baby photos met my wandering eyes. But what struck me as odd, was there were no pictures of Brandon when he was young. Where were the pictures of Brandon?

It wasn't till the sounds of pencils moving came to a sudden stop that I realized I whispered the question out loud.My eyes quickly looking to each face of the group.

Their eyes glanced at one another, some fidgeting weirdly without answering my question. Emberly cleared her throat, and finally met my gaze.

"That's because we don't have any. It's not our place to tell you the true story."

Throughout the small explanation, everyone kept glancing up at the staircase, as if he was to pop out. Was this the secret they were keeping from me? My head lowered slightly, hurt by the fact.

It wasn't until I glanced up that I noticed the time. It shocked me how fast it seemed to have gone.

"I . . . have to go, I'm sorry."

"Oh . . . let me drive you there. We could-..."

No, you'll only make it worse!

"No thank you, I'll be alright walking."

My sudden change of attitude surprised them, everybody just watching as I scrambled around to gather my things. Papers flew around and ripped, my lips tugging back in vain as I tried to move faster. No, no, no. She's going to be angry, she's going to be home before I am!

Saying goodbye, I ran through the door, it slamming against the wooden frame. Although t made me flinch, I didn't stop the mad dash pace I was in. My mind went into overdrive, making up millions of scenarios that could happen. Each one ending up with painful bruises.

I was to engulfed in getting home , that I didn't even notice the dark figure following close behind.

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