Chapter 7

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Song : That Should Be Me by Justin Bieber


"You did WHAT?!"

All I saw was red, my inner wolf on the brink of lashing out. I could physically feel my claws expand, my fangs extracting.

"I'm sorry! S..she has my mark!"

Reaching out, I grabbed a handful of his t-shirt, raising him up off the ground. His eyes, which were also starting to turn black, widened. My hair started to grow longer, the pain of my bones starting to break blocking out most of my anger.

"That doesn-"

"Yes it does! You know what that does too a wolf, especially one without a mate," he growled, his appearance slowly becoming like mine.

I couldn't take it anymore. I just . . . let go. The sound f bones snapping and rearranging filled the room, followed by more as Alex followed suit. The pain seemed to be unbearable, a strained howl escaping my throat once the transformation was done.

My beta's familiar black fur was all I saw before he had lunged at me, knocking me back with a loud growl. His possessiveness had only intensified since last night, his mood dimmer then usual. I knew what would happen, but my wolf hated this.

She is mine!

I shoved him back until he now lay on heap of the floor, the rough living room carpet probably rubbing up against his back. A low growl came from him as he quickly got back up on all fours, his eyes trained on mine.

She bares my mark!

Another growl escaped my jaws. Crouching, we circled each other, neither one of us backing down.

She is my mate!

Does she bare your mark?

He snapped at me, his wolf seeming to smile in mockery. His taunting only made me angry, my paw reaching out and tried to hit his face. Blocking my move, he quickly found an opening and charged straight for me.

The impact was painful, but it quickly faded. Using my alpha's strength, I shoved him off right before pouncing on him.

I am your alpha!

And your the one who told me to mark her!

You never mentioned anything about you and her becoming an item!

And you never stopped dating the Bitch that's been hurting her since the first day she came to high school!

I felt his words like a hard punch in the gut, causing my wolf to back up a little bit.

"Alex, Brandon! What the hell are you two doing?!"

John stood in the doorway, Emberly right behind him. He looked angry and frustrated, his shoulders tense.

Emberly placed a supportive hand on his shoulder, her eyes shooting daggers at us. We knew that look, and it didn't end up with us all singing Kumbaya.

"What did the alpha tell you about transforming into your wolf forms in the damn living room?!"

She grabbed the newspaper that was always resting on the living room table, rolling it up into a roll. Whimpering, Alex lowered his head, backing up slightly.

"Change back!"

I growled at the challenge, my wolf not liking the idea of being demanded. She stepped forward, the newspaper raised.


Knowing how this would play out, I unwilling changed back. The cold air was the first thing I felt against my bare body, my hands quickly covering my lower area.

"What got into the both of you? You should know the rules by now," John shook his head, throwing each of us a towel.

Emberly, who was bending over to pick up our shredded clothes, groaned. In her hand she was holding up the ripped pieces of what was my t-shirt just a few moments ago.

"And we just got these clothes Brandon!"

I didn't bother talking as she continued to walk around, cleaning up the knocked over furniture and clothes. With each new cloth she gound, she'd look at us with that 'you are so dead' gaze.

"This wouldn't have happened if the jackass over there didn't ask my mate out," I murmured under my breath, readjusting the towel around my waist.

"Who did?"

"I did, and I'm not ashamed of it."

Alex, with his towel wrapped loosely around his waist, had his hand raised. Eyes holding an unspeakable challenge. I could picture his wolf snapping at all of us.

"What? You can't do that," Emberly all but practically screamed out.

Surprised by her sudden outburst, we all stared at my sister with a new found interest.

"I marked her! By our law, she's my mate right now! I should have the right to-"

"Hold up," John screamed over the bickering. "You marked her?! Are you crazy?!"

He threw his hands in the air at that statement, his lips turning back in a bitter grin.

"Yeah, I guess I am crazy for wanting her to be happy!"

"I can make her-"

"You can? It doesn't seem like your doing such a great job now, does it?"

With that statement hanging in the air, he walked out the door with a large slam.

With each of staring at one another, we didn't know what to say. Even Emberly was speechless, which was foreign to all of us.

"Did you start this whole matter," John mumbled out, stepping up to me. "You know what? I don't care anymore! Just explain what happened, damn it!"

With his 5'12 height, I looked down upon him. His eyes held a ring of yellow around them, a sign of his wolf ready to come out.

"You can go ask Alex," I mumbled, making my way out of the cabin and into the woods.

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