Chapter 9: The Dragons

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♡ 3rd POV♡

The trio was currently getting dressed to head outside. The dragons were in a colder area since in Dragontina the dragons are used to colder temperatures.

Deciding to leave the small bunny in the bed to rest. The three were walking out to the yard.

"They won't attack me since I'm a stranger right? I heard someone got eaten for being a stranger." Izuku shivered. He had read many books about these creatures and the fact that he could meet them was exciting but nerve-racking at the same time.

"Deku those were myths, don't worry they just need to catch your scent and you'll be fine. Second, the dragon only attacks you if you're seen as a threat." Katsuki whispered as the cool breeze went in his face.

"We're here, Izu, please stand back a bit," Eijiro said and Izuku followed his request, taking 5 steps back.

He opened a large gate, his muscles becoming more visible through the tight coat. Izuku blushed slightly before shaking his head.

'Nope, I'm here for the dragons!' Izuku thought to himself, he sped through the cave that the two alpha's entered, inside was like a crystal cave. But was surprised at the scene in front of him, when he exited. It was like a huge forest.

Many dragons are flying around, doing tricks. Others near a river to have a drink. Some of them are eating meat together, all of them being different colors and all unique. Izuku's eyes sparkled at the beauties, wishing he brought his camera to save the moment.

Eijiro and Katsuki smiled proudly seeing their omega happy. But soon stopped when a loud growl interrupted through the air. Standing in front of them was the largest dragon, the leader.

His shoulders were broad and his nostrils puffed in and out smoke. His gaze moved to Izuku, he tilted his head looking at this tiny frail body, since Eijiro and Katsuki are quite muscular they've gotten used to seeing strong, muscular people around.

He quickly picked up the small omega, bringing him over to his wife. Izuku could feel his hot breath on his head, he was worried, scared even would he get killed?

By now both Alphas were chasing the dragon telling him to stop but soon slowed down realizing that he had brought Izuku into the nest. It requires a lot of trust out of a dragon to bring a person into their nest. It's where their unborn children live and where their mates live.

"She likes me?"

Izuku is being nuzzled by a little dragon known as the son of the leader. The queen Dragon let out a puff of smoke and let him on her back as she took off. Flying around in the sky, feeling the cool breeze on his face.

And for The first time in a long time, Izuku laughed...

Wasn't one of his small giggles, or the fake laughs that he puts on to make Tsu happy. It was his genuine laugh.

Which proved to both Alpha's that day that all the laughs that they had seen were fake. It made them happy to see him laugh but it also hurt to know that the rest were fake. The pride that they had from seeing him laugh wasn't even real.

Soon Izuku was carefully put off of her back and gently put back on the grassy floor. Both of the alphas ran up to him checking to make sure he didn't get hurt anywhere. Izuku smiled at the two and said that he was perfectly fine.

"Don't do that again Izu, you nearly scared us half to death. Listen next time just ask him to put you down." Eijiro said, letting out a breath of relief.

Katsuki just hugged Izuku close muttering about him being a dumb nerd sometimes. Izuku just smiled sheepishly and hugged them both. Izuku's head in Katsuki's chest hugging him, Eijiro hugging him from behind.

"I'm sorry, I really am. But I did enjoy myself. Do you think we could spend another hour here before we leave? I promise I won't be reckless anymore!" Izuku begged, putting on puppy eyes.

"Fine but only an hour!" Katsuki muttered, still enjoying the view of Izuku's head in his chest.

And that's what the three spent the rest of the day doing. Enjoying the day with the dragons until it was finally time to leave.

The Tiny Dragon was tugging at Izuku's pants, trying to pull him back towards the nest with his family. Izuku smiled at his efforts and slightly bent down to his level.

"I'll visit again soon. Then we'll play again, but I have to get going for today." Izuku smiled slightly at the other. He kissed the dragon's head before standing up properly. He let out a rumbling purr at the action.

The dragon slowly let go, but eye contact never broke between him and Izuku.

The Dragons flap their wings to say goodbye to the trio. But never moved from their nest with the three eggs resting inside along with their dragon son.

Castle time skip.

When the three entered the castle and were shocked to see Kayden being held down by guards, he was growling ferociously. Feral even. Two guards holding him while one is trying to place a muzzle on him.

Before Izuku even realized it he was running towards them. He grabbed the guard's arm and tackled them. The bunny watched in shock, he froze.

But the guards didn't know that the alphas were courting this omega. And one began releasing dominant pheromones to make him submit.

"What the hell is omega like you doing her-"

The Alpha was cut off by a tight grab on the neck. Choking him, making him grip at his neck. He looks to see Katsuki holding him, his hands falling to his sides and he tumbled to the floor.

"Don't touch my omega, get the hell out of here. All of you." Katsuki glared at the three. His alpha voice became more evident and the three scurried away carrying the passed-out one.

Eijiro quickly removed the muzzle from Kayden, helping him. But instead of hearing a thank you Kayden quickly ran over to Izuku. The Omega picked him up quickly and nuzzled him.

"D-don't... Leave me too...P..Please." He whispered so only Izuku could hear. Izuku could feel the tears on his neck, it made him whimper slightly to know that he hurt him. Now he could tell that he definitely has separation anxiety.

Izuku waved goodbye to the red-eyed Alphas saying how he was going to go for the night. Wanting to spend some alone time with Kayden.

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