Chapter 18: Planning to see Friend Again

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It was the day after the amazing encounter with the dragons. Everyone was still in bed since no one had the motivation to get up early.

Izuku had Kayden in his arms with Katsuki snuggled into his back and Eijiro snuggled into his front. They were spooning each other.

The greenette shuddered at the breath on his neck, his eyes fluttered open and he saw some familiar faces.

He yawned before kissing the little bunny in his arms. He put Kayden down and slid out of the alphas arms, he walked towards the mirror and admired himself.

Looking at his messy bed head, baggy shirt and scattered freckles he still thought he looked gorgeous. The self love he had for himself was outstanding, nothing could change that for him.

Izuku walked down the corridors and entered the kitchen, where he saw some very stressed chefs. They looked at the omega and bowed down.

"I'm sorry Mr. Midoriya but we haven't started breakfast, we assumed you would be awakening later today. I terribly apologize!" The head chef bowed down at a full 90 degree angle. Izuku giggled slightly before smiling and telling the chef to face forward.

"It's alright. I actually woke up early on purpose because I wanted to make breakfast for everyone!" The chef's face shifted into confusion before looking around and back towards him.

"But I must deny Mr. Midoriya it is a hazard in the kitchen and not your responsibility-"

"Please! I wanted it to be a surprise, I'll even allow you to watch me for safety purposes." The head chef sighed before smiling and shaking his head.

"Fine I guess it would be kind of rude for me not to allow you." Helaughed before instructing all other chefs to leave the kitchen. Now it was just him in the kitchen alone.

Izuku smiled and rolled up his sleeve. It had been a while since he had been this independent in the kitchen, and he loved the feeling.

Nowadays, it seems like servants and maids did everything for him. He felt like he had no independence anymore and he just relied on an alpha which is not what he wanted.

He began grabbing eggs, bacon, and a wide range of fruits.

Meanwhile, in the other room, the trio was still sleeping. The first one to wake up was Kayden. He shuffled around in the sheets before rubbing his eyes and opening them.

He saw both the alphas but didn't see the familiar face of the greenette omega. He panicked and immediately shook both the alphas awake.

Eijiro leaned up with Katsuki's head on his shoulder. Katsuki was squinting your eyes and Eijiro was yawning.

"Izu isn't here!?" He stressed. The two could sense that Kayden was freaking out. His breath became shaky and uneven, and it seemed like he was gasping for air.

It didn't take long for Katsuki and Eijiro to realize that Kayden was about to have a panic attack. Thankfully, they both knew how to deal with it properly.

In the past Eijiro frequently had panic attacks since his family had passed away. Katsuki was the only one who could relieve him when he was having one.

"Eijiro stay here and help Kayden, I'm going to find Deku." And with that Katsuki rushed out the bedroom doors to the hallways.

Eijiro looked back at Kayden and spoke to him very softly and slowly.

"Kayden, is it okay if I touch you? Just nod your head." Kayden seemed nauseous shaking but held his guard. He nodded his head up and down slowly. The redhead smiled politely and carefully walked over.

He let his hand out, Kayden's eyes began watering as panic set in.

"Squeeze my hand until you feel ready to have me hug you." They say there in silence, only a few quiet whispers and mutters from Kayden as he rocked himself side to side. The boy slowly started scooting closer to Eijiro, the warmth radiating from the redhead was calming.

Finally the door creaked open and Izuku and Katsui walked in. The greenette rushed in with teary eyes, feeling guilty as ever. He had repeatedly left Kayden alone again.

The next hour and a half was spent comforting Kayden and Izuku explaining his sudden disappearance. The omega told them about their surprise breakfast that he had prepared for them. Although they thought maybe it would be best to sit it out after Kayden's situation the bunny boy wanted them to still enjoy.

He sat by Izuku at the dining Table and watched all the food be brought out. With many fruits and pastries.
Grabbing a handful of strawberries Kayden munched like a little bunny. Izuku decided to hand out the pancakes he made to everyone.

"Woah this looks amazing Deku! I'm surprised you chose to cook for us today. You don't need to feel obligated." Katsuki proclaimed feasting on his plate. Izuku glance at them and stated,

"This is my family . I just want to prepare something special for you all." He blushed at his words. Feeling like what he said was corny but everyone at the table begged to differ. Complements were given by Katsuki, Eijiro and Kayden the entire time they spent at the table.

Izuku's face turned serious and he looked both the alphas in the eyes. He planned this conversation in his head for a while.

"I want to go to town to visit my friend Tsuyu. I haven't seen her or anyone for that matter since I entered here."

"So suddenly don't you think today wouldn't be a good day to leave the house."

"Please I haven't seen her in months and I miss her so much. I'm sure Kayden would be okay with going on a little road trip with me."

Eijiro and Katsuki locked eyes then glanced at Izuku puppy dog eyes before sighing out loud.

"Fine, but we're going for your safety!"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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