Chapter 2

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After thirty minutes sitting in, the taxi came to a stop the driver parked it directly infront of the show fair infront of it. They got down the car one by one.

"Khob khun na khub" the two boys thanked the driver who smiled in return and drove away.

Then they walked in the venue Win infront Bright following him behind.




The three friends of Win shouted in unison as soon as they saw him and pulled in a tight group hug.

"Geez ... yesterda ...y only... we me ...t and now are actin ....g like y ...ou have not se.... en me f ...for years" Win hissed at his Idiot friends with very difficulty as they are now ......

Bright seeing Win's condition he immediately pulled him from the one brain cell gang to his side Win was now taking long breath due to suffocation being trapped by those buffoons according to Win.

At that time only the trio observed the presence of Bright and giggled shamelessly.

"Swadikhub P' Bai" Fong the philosopher of the group as they call them waied to him bowing his head. Though they share same brain cells but Fong is the have little descent behaviour than others.


"Ditto 2" the other two copied.

"Wadi wadi"

Bright already know them and is used to their behaviour as sometimes Win bring them to their house for group project or sometimes to play games or hang out in the house.

They must be annoying and dramatic and looks idiot but have a pure soul in heart. That's why if Win is around them Bright worries less except the girls part like now.

"Hey beautiful your lips are too glossy to not notice them" Ohm said to a girl passing by him. And guess what the girl did not even spare a glance at his direction.

And the others burst out in laughter. Poor Ohm!!

"Why are you all looking at girls huh the show is going to start from anytime now let's go" Ohm said and hurried inside the tent without waiting for them.

Whilst still laughing they all followed too.




"It was fun"

"Yes especially the host"

"Oh my ghhoshhh she is so sexy"

"If I have a chance I could stare at her 24/7 without blinking"

The trio were commenting about the show more like on the host and the two brothers just followed them behind talking about where they should eat.

Win would have joined his friends conversation if not for his brother who he knows will not say a word to them until it's live or death situation though he is not sure of that too infront of others.

"Hey Win let's go to the the fair now" Phuak said turning back.

"Oh yeah I already forgot about it let's go" Win said and walked out of the tent.

They all agreed and went together in there.





The four friends were strolling around in each and every stall in the fair from garlands shop to children's toy where it's not necessary too like a make up shop. Bright excused himself in a side from them as a call came he had to attend asking them to continue he will join them.

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