Chapter 11

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On Monday they arrived at the college and went to their first morning classes the assistant of the dean of the college called the brothers in the middle of their first class after the professor gave them permission, they walked out of the hall following the assistant.

When they reached the deans room Minjuns gang was already present there. Bright and Win both ignored them totally and walked where Green was standing on the other side of the room opposite of Minjun.

No one spoke anything nor whispered anything too. They just stood there waiting for the Dean to speak who is seated on the chair behind the table working on some papers infront of him.

"So Bright and Win Opas Chivaree?" The dean spoke after sometime looking up from the paper he was writing on earlier.

"Yes sir" the brothers nodded their head.

"Is it true that they bullied you inside the college premises?" The dean asked pointing at the group standing beside them with a stark expression.

"Yes sir" the duo nodded parallely.

"Do you have proof?"

"Yes sir" they again answered together as if they were in military training but no one pointed out that.

"Can you show me now?" The dean asked again.

This time Green answered "Yes sir I have it" and handed over his phone with the recording of all the things happened before playing on it.

"So what has happened Green can you elaborate and why do you have the evidence instead of them" the dean asked infront of every one. He already knew that it didn't need any evidence or proof as he has already seen the recording before and also had known about them, Green had shown him but to not cause any commotion anywhere he is asking infront of the every one of both the parties.

Green narrated every thing from A-Z what had happened including the the fight outside the college showing multiple injuries on Bright and Win's body which can be seen on the uncovered parts of their body.

"..... So as I am the president of discipline committee of this faculty my junior trusted me called me on the weekend and sent me the recording of that evening fight too and I collected the school fight recording from the main college website" Green finished his statement.

"So Mr Minjun do you have any thing to explain about it?" The dean asked.

"Yes of course dean" Minjun said with confidence as if he was not infront of someone who can just remove him from this college if he wants without any reason "The video of us beating them happened out of the institute premises so this should not be counted according to the college rule".

Green fist his hand tightly to think that Minjun is going to escape this time again as what Minjun pointed out is true this college does not take action against anything happened out of the college.

"I know that but I want to confirm that you did beat them up outside the institute premises?" The dean asked calmly scrunching his eye brows showing a tensed expression.

"Yes so what they deserve it" Thana said aggressively before Minjun can say anything.

"And why do they deserve it?" The dean asked with a little energy in his tone matching Thana enough to make him rile and answer him quickly.

"Because none of the students we caught ever dared to stand against us but them. They have the audicity to-"

"Okay enough" Minjun cut him off to speak more than necessary and spill something.

"Hmm" the dean sighed and tapped something on his phone.

"So Minjun and you all who are there with him and supported bullying physically as well as mentally are suspended from this college for this whole semester till your semester exam and the next semester too but you can attend online classes for the next semester and prepare for your last semester exam at home. So you all are allowed to attend in this institute again on the last semester final exam as we don't want any more this type of activities here again" the dean explained calmly.

A question of love (?)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang