Chapter 12

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Flashback continues.....

Next day Bright woke up first as it was weekend he let Win sleep more and moved his body slowly from Win's tight hug and his comfort place with an intention of not disturbing him so he put a bolster in place of him then got down from the bed and walked to the washroom to finish his morning routine.

Bright had always loved and cared for Win since he met him as a his little baby Nong. Days passed years passed when he realised his actual feelings for Win when he was thirteen and the main important thing is he did not run away from his feelings like any other person would do in his place but he did not confront too. (Thanks to the number of romantic Novels he read in his life 🥲). He kept it inside him since then without uttering about this feeling to any single being or living organism. He was happy seeing Win happy and this kept him from confessing to his step brother about his way of seeing him.

So last night when Win asked him to kiss he gave in without thinking anything as he too had the urge to kiss the younger to calm himself down when Win was not saying anything except crying out loud continuously so to make the latter feel not alone about whatever the hell the younger was crying.

Therefore he did not talk about it last night to not mess up the situation in his own excitement. His brain was already in short circuit after he felt Win's plump lips which were so soft on him just like he imagined like a cotton candy making his heart speed four twenty per second, his face red like a replica of tomato and excited.

And he was really happy last night and in the morning when he remembered that they will talk about it he decided to make something to lighten the mood and to gain energy to talk about the matter and make himself ready for whatever outcome at last. He did not know whether Win Win feel the same or he just blurted out yesterday to kiss him.

Then he went to the kitchen to make breakfast already deciding what he will make which will definitely make Win happy.

First he took out the carton of milk and poured it in a bowl and put it on the stove to heat it then washed and peeled a potato, sliced it to 1/4 inch pieces. Boiled them in a pan. Then drained the water and set it aside on the counter.

Then took six pieces of bread and toasted the bread slices until crisp in a toaster. Added a table spoon of oil on a pan on the other free stove and roasted potatoes on both sides till they becomes crispy. And sprinkled some spice powders on them.

After the milk is heated he took the bowl from the stove and put it aside to cool it. All the while cutting the vegetables he needed along.

Then again added another tbsp of oil to the previous pan after putting the crisped potatoes in another empty vessel aside. And put some garlic and saute for a minute and then onions, cabbage, carrots and capsicum. Stir fried them together in the pan adding salt, chili flakes and pepper and mixed them. After frying he turned the burner off. Then spread hung curd on the toasted breads.

On another slice he put lettuce and then some stir fried veggies and assembled the Bread with Tomato on the bottom and place the slice with stir fried veggie over the first one.

Then finally he covered with the last slice with the mayo side down and pressed down the sandwich and cut to halve or quarters.


And it's done the Bright's infamous Veg Club Sandwich Win's favourite only if Bright made it which Bright makes when Win is sad or after he gets over his sickness or when Bright shows he was really happy which is once in a blue moon. And after all the things happened the other day and night it's necessary to make it so that Win does not overthink anything.

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